thousand and one things I'm still alive and not walking partying: P
uff Well we is not posting it because I do not remember how.
I tell you that 14 we had last month's meeting of bloggers went with my sister said she liked to go and he loved the gifts received, the rest of the month whoooole ask me when we meet again: D and your gift is ready to exchange jajja. Photos of the day can find them here .
I tell my child to dance salsa and as always improvising his mom made him dress, white shorts where he got:) my sister had one of karate so I fix the vast and ready, a white fabric with an elastic and lists the sleeves, iron and ready all the costumes.
Almost reaching the end of the month Dumuzi invited to a birthday party which does not happen very often, bad was that I hardly had little money and the option was to make a portfolio, because the birthday girl was the one to finally carry some candy portfolio, she stayed with the portfolio feeeliz Ylos sweet: D as always, I have no picture of this: (
Shortly before the end of the month came new members to this house, my cat was pregnant and gave birth to 5 kittens which saw the birth of one until we recorded it, if you facebook and I'm your friend you can see there really dumb because I did cleaning the camera and delete the video (
Well the day after the birth but there is another important maaaas the new family member, Celeste Avril was born weighing 2230 and measured 49 centimeters is a drink very small, but also very liinda.
My drink even likes to eat eats no one has a mesh pacifier and her favorite, anyway, when you no longer want to clean the chair uses a walker or where that eating is a Loquillo.
Last Sunday we went to super wise girl wing luckily it was like when we saw Doki, this time was it more organized and were happy with photos
December 19 is high Dumuzi ceremony and have to go with white shoes I have searched and find nothing or too expensive or do not have your number I thought of buying a converse or locusts as they say, but only arrived at number 27 and then continue at 35 but I saw a baby shoe with Velcro 31 that he liked but that model only came to 29 (I'm still looking.
This Saturday is the monthly meeting with the bloggers that nerves of trade secret: D anyone doubt my? jajaj
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Show Me The Applique Design Of Kameez
Badajoz Badajoz province
Almendralejo-06 200 06 071
Castuela-06420-06400 Don Benito
Fregenal of Sierra-Herrera del Duque 06 340
-06670 Jerez de los Caballeros
-Llerena-06 900 06 380
Montijo-06 800 06 480 06 100
Olivenza-Villafranca of Villanueva de la Barros.06220
Serena-Zafra-06 300 06 700
CACERES Province
Coria Cáceres-10071-10120-10800
Navalmoral de la Mata-10300-10600 Plasencia
Trujillo-10 200-10500 Valencia de Alcántara
Badajoz Badajoz province
Almendralejo-06 200 06 071
Castuela-06420-06400 Don Benito
Fregenal of Sierra-Herrera del Duque 06 340
-06670 Jerez de los Caballeros
-Llerena-06 900 06 380
Montijo-06 800 06 480 06 100
Olivenza-Villafranca of Villanueva de la Barros.06220
Serena-Zafra-06 300 06 700
CACERES Province
Coria Cáceres-10071-10120-10800
Navalmoral de la Mata-10300-10600 Plasencia
Trujillo-10 200-10500 Valencia de Alcántara
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Invitation Card Design For Grih Pravesh
Decalogue for young teachers
summarizes basic ideas on the teaching work, includes issues inextricably linked, as they are, the motivation of teaching, the selection of the content of the class the evaluation process, the role of students in the class, the teacher's role in class, respect and love in the teaching process and attention to diversity among others.
As its name suggests is aimed at young teachers but that the unusual approach taken may attract attention and criticism of an infinite number of specialists.
The author seeks to maintain active exchange with prices that are motivated and supported the view that dissent is development.
Decalogue How do I interpret this?
shares the seat of wisdom and reason with your students. Do not consider his own, better consider yourself your humble servant.
Worry about the needs and motives of the students are the ones that matter. You will work to match your interests with teaching.
not transmit knowledge. Summons that knowledge is discovered by your disciples.
speaks little show more. Do not use time and space of your students to show how much you know. Choose carefully
content. Who tries to cover everything, does not cover anything and only thinks he knows everything about everything that he knows nothing about anything.
uses technology to make your life easier, not complicate it. If you make more pleasant and productive learning process use it, but discard. Ama
first calls later. Before you feel the heat requirement that students must feel your love and your love. Evaluate
as teach. In evaluating beam use and allow you to use all the resources you use to teach.
Respect your students more than your managers. Ultimately, your students will have the last word on the authenticity of your teaching.
DIVERSITY PLAN NO, Take this into consideration. Each student will walk according to its limits and potentialities, DO NOT TRY TO LEVEL THE GROUP.
To read more:
Prof. Dr. José Ramón Gómez Cobelo

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Pokemon Chaos Black Cheats For I Pod
REVISION IPF: November 26, 2009
General rules - Internal Rules - Professions - Specialty expert - expert Subspecialties - judicial districts - minimum fee rates - experts for Communities Schedules - Shape Shipping questionnaire - E. MAIL
professional directory
www. / portal / directory / detalle_peritos.asp? id_peritos = (NUM.ASOC.)
PHOTO: formato.jpg to include professional tab
Subspecialties EXPERT
Judicial District to perform activities of PERITO
General rules - Internal Rules - Professions - Specialty expert - expert Subspecialties - judicial districts - minimum fee rates - experts for Communities Schedules - Shape Shipping questionnaire - E. MAIL
professional directory
www. / portal / directory / detalle_peritos.asp? id_peritos = (NUM.ASOC.)
PHOTO: formato.jpg to include professional tab
Subspecialties EXPERT
Judicial District to perform activities of PERITO
Monday, November 23, 2009
Lorena Herrera Pubic Hair
The young teacher is called procedure of vacant posts for staff teaching staff belonging to the Corps of Secondary Education, Training grants
Law 2 / 2006, dated May 3, provides sixth additional provision during school courses which are not held state-wide competitions to which this provision refers different education authorities may organize provisioning procedures relating to the territorial scope for them, and whose management for the coverage of their seats, all without prejudice at any time to carry out processes of redistribution or relocation of personnel.
Moreover, Law 2 / 2006, dated May 3, provides third transitional provision which, while not developed the provisions contained in the Law that affect mobility through transfer selection of officials teaching bodies described therein, mobility will be adjusted to current regulations on entry into force. Also, the eleventh transitional provision provides that in matters whose regulation submit the law to further regulations, and as they are not given, shall apply in each case the rules of this range that were being the date of entry into force of the same, if not contrary to provisions.
given the absence of further regulations regarding the provision of posts for teaching staff bodies referred to Law 2 / 2006, dated May 3, results from the Royal Decree 2112/1998, of 2 October, regulating transfers contests nationwide for the provision of places for the faculty, as amended by Royal Decree 1964/2008 of 28 November, amending the foregoing.
Decree 183/2003 of 24 June regulates the information and citizen services and administrative procedures for processing electronic means (internet).
At its behest of the General Directorate of Teaching and the Human Resources Management Department of Education has arranged call procedure for filling vacancies in regional area during the current school year 2009/10, according to the following
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Invitation Letter In Hindi For Shop Opening
Fo assessment and education statistics offer public work
resolution of 23 October 2009, the Secretary of State for Education and Vocational Training for which scholarships are held training in evaluation and education statistics at the Institute of Assessment, in 2010. Http://
Purpose and duration of grants.
1. The purpose of the fellowship is to train specialists in evaluation and educational statistics.
2. The scholarships are distributed in the following areas: Area
assessment, analysis and documentation.
statistical area.
3. Fellows will conduct their training process in the Appraisal Institute in the General Division
Territorial Cooperation and the Bureau of Statistics.
4. The entitlement period of the scholarship shall be twelve months, starting January 1
, 2010 and ending on December 31 that year.
Segundo. Formativo. Program-The process of training should be relevant to a specific training program
in each of the areas identified:
1. In the area of \u200b\u200bassessment, analysis and documentation process will include trainee participation in all phases of the evaluation studies and indicators
: preparation of studies and their implementation, analysis and reporting of results and dissemination
2. In the area of \u200b\u200bstatistical fellows trained and
participate in various stages of the process of developing and disseminating state
Statistics Education. Special emphasis will be on the phases of analysis and data cleansing
and in the treatment of statistical indicators
Education, and know and use other data sources related to the
Education. Fourth
. Beneficiarios.-may compete those of English nationality,
citizens of a Member State of the European Union or signatory to the Agreement
European Economic Area, university graduates who have
completed his undergraduate studies in 2005 or later. Current Fellows
may be submitted to this call and
obtain renewal of the grant, taking into account that the maximum period of enjoyment of it is
forty-eight months, from the date of the first granted .
Quinto. Obligations beneficiarios.-1. Fellows are required to
Eighth. Presentation solicitudes.-1. The applications, addressed to the Director General
Evaluation and Regional Cooperation (Appraisal Institute) shall
submitted to the registry of the Ministry of Education (c / Los Madrazo, 15-17, Madrid 28014
) or, where appropriate, by any means
set out in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 on the Legal System Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, as amended by Law 4 / 1999 of
January 14, within 20 calendar days from the day following the publication
of this Resolution in the Official Gazette State.
2. If the request does not meet the requirements of the notice will require the relevant person to
, within ten days, to remedy the faults or accompanying the
required documents. If this did not occur within the correction, you will
withdrawn its request without further delay, with the effects
under Article 42 of Law 30/1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and
Common Administrative Procedure
3. In the application document, contained in Annex I, the applicant will
contain the following information:
a) The area you want to ascribe.
b) The overall average grade transcript.
Assessment Area:
a) Degree in Education, Psychology, Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science,
Statistics, Documentation and Cataloguing: 15 points.
cve: BOE-A-2009-18167 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 275 Saturday, 14 November 2009 Section III
. P. 97019
b) Academic record: up to 10 points.
c) Statistical knowledge: 25 points.
d) Knowledge of software tools aimed at assessing: Excel, Access
, SPSS, page layout and creation of web pages up to 25 points.
e) Knowledge of English: up to 25 points.
statistical area:
a) Degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Economics or Computer Science: 40 points.
b) Academic record: up to 10 points.
c) Knowledge of software tools aimed at the statistics: Excel, Access and SPSS
up to 25 points.
d) Knowledge of English: up to 15 points.
e) Other merits claimed that best fit the roles they will have to
play (courses and training activities carried out, etc ...): up 10 points.

resolution of 23 October 2009, the Secretary of State for Education and Vocational Training for which scholarships are held training in evaluation and education statistics at the Institute of Assessment, in 2010. Http://
Purpose and duration of grants.
1. The purpose of the fellowship is to train specialists in evaluation and educational statistics.
2. The scholarships are distributed in the following areas: Area
assessment, analysis and documentation.
statistical area.
3. Fellows will conduct their training process in the Appraisal Institute in the General Division
Territorial Cooperation and the Bureau of Statistics.
4. The entitlement period of the scholarship shall be twelve months, starting January 1
, 2010 and ending on December 31 that year.
Segundo. Formativo. Program-The process of training should be relevant to a specific training program
in each of the areas identified:
1. In the area of \u200b\u200bassessment, analysis and documentation process will include trainee participation in all phases of the evaluation studies and indicators
: preparation of studies and their implementation, analysis and reporting of results and dissemination
2. In the area of \u200b\u200bstatistical fellows trained and
participate in various stages of the process of developing and disseminating state
Statistics Education. Special emphasis will be on the phases of analysis and data cleansing
and in the treatment of statistical indicators
Education, and know and use other data sources related to the
Education. Fourth
. Beneficiarios.-may compete those of English nationality,
citizens of a Member State of the European Union or signatory to the Agreement
European Economic Area, university graduates who have
completed his undergraduate studies in 2005 or later. Current Fellows
may be submitted to this call and
obtain renewal of the grant, taking into account that the maximum period of enjoyment of it is
forty-eight months, from the date of the first granted .
Quinto. Obligations beneficiarios.-1. Fellows are required to
Eighth. Presentation solicitudes.-1. The applications, addressed to the Director General
Evaluation and Regional Cooperation (Appraisal Institute) shall
submitted to the registry of the Ministry of Education (c / Los Madrazo, 15-17, Madrid 28014
) or, where appropriate, by any means
set out in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 on the Legal System Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, as amended by Law 4 / 1999 of
January 14, within 20 calendar days from the day following the publication
of this Resolution in the Official Gazette State.
2. If the request does not meet the requirements of the notice will require the relevant person to
, within ten days, to remedy the faults or accompanying the
required documents. If this did not occur within the correction, you will
withdrawn its request without further delay, with the effects
under Article 42 of Law 30/1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and
Common Administrative Procedure
3. In the application document, contained in Annex I, the applicant will
contain the following information:
a) The area you want to ascribe.
b) The overall average grade transcript.
Assessment Area:
a) Degree in Education, Psychology, Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science,
Statistics, Documentation and Cataloguing: 15 points.
cve: BOE-A-2009-18167 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 275 Saturday, 14 November 2009 Section III
. P. 97019
b) Academic record: up to 10 points.
c) Statistical knowledge: 25 points.
d) Knowledge of software tools aimed at assessing: Excel, Access
, SPSS, page layout and creation of web pages up to 25 points.
e) Knowledge of English: up to 25 points.
statistical area:
a) Degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Economics or Computer Science: 40 points.
b) Academic record: up to 10 points.
c) Knowledge of software tools aimed at the statistics: Excel, Access and SPSS
up to 25 points.
d) Knowledge of English: up to 15 points.
e) Other merits claimed that best fit the roles they will have to
play (courses and training activities carried out, etc ...): up 10 points.
Mysore Malige Blue
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bfg Riken Raptor Tire
Controversy by the acquittal of a student who threw eggs at a teacher
The union CSI • F has been greeted with "astonishment and bewilderment" a ruling by the Audiencia Provincial de Toledo in which a student is acquitted by the "aggression", throwing eggs at the front of the house of a teacher in Sonseca (Toledo) that had previously been sentenced by the court in the town of Orgaz. The union believes that such statements "prejudicial to the pillars of education."

The union CSI • F has been greeted with "astonishment and bewilderment" a ruling by the Audiencia Provincial de Toledo in which a student is acquitted by the "aggression", throwing eggs at the front of the house of a teacher in Sonseca (Toledo) that had previously been sentenced by the court in the town of Orgaz. The union believes that such statements "prejudicial to the pillars of education."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sushi Bamboo Mat London Ontario
Days of fear
Ufff if they have been in fear these days, been changing the climate is sunny but cold so does other times done much heat, and with this disease always cold but not as much as this month, first Dumuzi I was sick with scarlet fever with tonsillitis, five days of rest and amoxicillin. Between this meeting we bloggers, we were only the most courageous because that day in the morning was raining very hard, I was the same because the meetings are only once a month and is the only time I have for me, good half: P were Karina and son The super soft arms took a long time to turkey as Emily and I always take a picture of me was (and as always enjoyed it the first 18 photos are from that day . Mae very nice she invited us to birthday as her daughter Valentina and I where I am invited: P clear that we (my social life is almost nil) was very nice all the Vale is a very cute and nice drinks: D photos of this I have and she has published no some to steal: P
And I all this time with a super upset because her ear was deaf raging above was talking more slowly and nobody listened to me haha \u200b\u200bafter a two weeks ago told me I had a little one ear, like that of chiquitita jajaj no idea what I'm good good ears and listen well, but speak slowly haha. Dumuzi became ill see another fever and headache, nasopharyngitis throat was the diagnosis was well, days after an extremely strong stomach pain my child to the doctor again, white spots on the throat and that it caused stomach pain and this just in the week of Halloween, Friday 30 school disguised as a fan of Michael Jackson thriller was obvious he wanted to be Luckily Michael'm half witty and I made the jacket, I need the pants .... call my sister to see if she had a red pants for my niece, but had not found one for her, lucky I have a sewing machine and now with it being more canchera jijiji seam around the school Friday Aunt Boxcar happy I said, Dumuzi won for best costume and for being the bravest and personality and he won this (give me a box with a wooden train) and more happiness for me, half of the prize is for me: D
Saturday 31 we went to the Bio-bio Persian and bought a few things, but just around Roberto with a super strong pain came the grinding wheel will the trial and had a lot of pain, that day we had it all planned out and went to the boilers all the plans we returned from the Bio and Roberto was pale from the pain we went to emergency and could not get the wheel to have an x-ray, he was told infection and had to return on Wednesday, that day was Halloween and Dumuzi totally excited about the candy, I made a dress for Emily and also dress up and although we do not collect lots of candy, of Robert's grandmother gave her a lot and another while I buy Roberto.
During the week I was better at the wheel of pain, but on Wednesday said he was not able to draw and I had to make an appointment for an operation because the wheel is lying. Emily was strong as oak for the days that Dumuzi was sick, but now has a cold: (
With temperature changes I also homeless and gave me cooling.
I have done little craft, the 16 was the day teacher and I made a portfolio to Aunt'm happy, but to vary not take photo, no tissue, trying to break into beads, but it is very little I've done.
With the new school last Tuesday had meeting and have already told me that if my child is already high school language is December 18 high with his diploma and all that, I leave your feet on the street looking for school and finally I prefer the first option that I was given just last Saturday we went to the admission test and Tuesday morning we get the bone response.
What we lacked was that Emily took away the compu
last thing is that my cat is pregnant who wants a kitten?
Well that has been more or less my life these days without posting: D
Pd: just wanted to tell them Halloween, many say that fome to take these holidays in other countries, but I like to celebrate all festivals that are related to children because I want my children have a nice childhood, but as believers we are not celebrating Christmas, the excitement felt by the kids to wait for Father Christmas I love it, plus I have no memories of Christmas or anything and I want Dumuzi agreed that when children have a good time in these dates.
Ufff if they have been in fear these days, been changing the climate is sunny but cold so does other times done much heat, and with this disease always cold but not as much as this month, first Dumuzi I was sick with scarlet fever with tonsillitis, five days of rest and amoxicillin. Between this meeting we bloggers, we were only the most courageous because that day in the morning was raining very hard, I was the same because the meetings are only once a month and is the only time I have for me, good half: P were Karina and son The super soft arms took a long time to turkey as Emily and I always take a picture of me was (and as always enjoyed it the first 18 photos are from that day . Mae very nice she invited us to birthday as her daughter Valentina and I where I am invited: P clear that we (my social life is almost nil) was very nice all the Vale is a very cute and nice drinks: D photos of this I have and she has published no some to steal: P
And I all this time with a super upset because her ear was deaf raging above was talking more slowly and nobody listened to me haha \u200b\u200bafter a two weeks ago told me I had a little one ear, like that of chiquitita jajaj no idea what I'm good good ears and listen well, but speak slowly haha. Dumuzi became ill see another fever and headache, nasopharyngitis throat was the diagnosis was well, days after an extremely strong stomach pain my child to the doctor again, white spots on the throat and that it caused stomach pain and this just in the week of Halloween, Friday 30 school disguised as a fan of Michael Jackson thriller was obvious he wanted to be Luckily Michael'm half witty and I made the jacket, I need the pants .... call my sister to see if she had a red pants for my niece, but had not found one for her, lucky I have a sewing machine and now with it being more canchera jijiji seam around the school Friday Aunt Boxcar happy I said, Dumuzi won for best costume and for being the bravest and personality and he won this (give me a box with a wooden train) and more happiness for me, half of the prize is for me: D
Saturday 31 we went to the Bio-bio Persian and bought a few things, but just around Roberto with a super strong pain came the grinding wheel will the trial and had a lot of pain, that day we had it all planned out and went to the boilers all the plans we returned from the Bio and Roberto was pale from the pain we went to emergency and could not get the wheel to have an x-ray, he was told infection and had to return on Wednesday, that day was Halloween and Dumuzi totally excited about the candy, I made a dress for Emily and also dress up and although we do not collect lots of candy, of Robert's grandmother gave her a lot and another while I buy Roberto.
During the week I was better at the wheel of pain, but on Wednesday said he was not able to draw and I had to make an appointment for an operation because the wheel is lying. Emily was strong as oak for the days that Dumuzi was sick, but now has a cold: (
With temperature changes I also homeless and gave me cooling.
I have done little craft, the 16 was the day teacher and I made a portfolio to Aunt'm happy, but to vary not take photo, no tissue, trying to break into beads, but it is very little I've done.
With the new school last Tuesday had meeting and have already told me that if my child is already high school language is December 18 high with his diploma and all that, I leave your feet on the street looking for school and finally I prefer the first option that I was given just last Saturday we went to the admission test and Tuesday morning we get the bone response.
What we lacked was that Emily took away the compu
last thing is that my cat is pregnant who wants a kitten?
Well that has been more or less my life these days without posting: D
Pd: just wanted to tell them Halloween, many say that fome to take these holidays in other countries, but I like to celebrate all festivals that are related to children because I want my children have a nice childhood, but as believers we are not celebrating Christmas, the excitement felt by the kids to wait for Father Christmas I love it, plus I have no memories of Christmas or anything and I want Dumuzi agreed that when children have a good time in these dates.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Megan Good Hair Style On The Game
Awards Andalucia Information Society
Information has become the centerpiece sponsor of social, economic and cultural. The telecom boom has been a transformation of ICT, the impact has affected all sectors of the economy and society.
New technologies are producing significant changes in the economic and social structure, and in all social relations. Increasingly, the Andalusians and Andalusian in different areas are served
advantage of technology to improve their quality of life. Also, more and more companies and institutions that support their competitiveness Andalusia, productivity and cooperation in Information Technology, which is why the Ministry
Innovation, Science and must be accorded the merits and efforts that different actors are doing in order to promote the development of Information Society Andalusian, trying to streamline and accelerate their transition
the Knowledge Society. To do this in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008 Awards were announced Andalucía Information Society. From
the Andalusian government has opted for immersion of Andalusia in the Knowledge Society, proof of which is approval by the Governing Council on 26 December 2006, the Andalusian Plan of the Information Society, which is the instrument programming framework and public policy planning of the Junta de Andalucía in relation to the essential elements to promote the strengthening of the Information Society.
At its behest of the Secretary General of Telecommunications and Information Society, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Article 26.2.m) of Law 9 / 2007 of October 31, Administration Board of Andalusia, taking into account the provisions of Decree 168/2009 of 19 May, regulating the structure, organization of the Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise, and Article 46.4 of Law 6 / 2006 of 24 October, the Government of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia

Information has become the centerpiece sponsor of social, economic and cultural. The telecom boom has been a transformation of ICT, the impact has affected all sectors of the economy and society.
New technologies are producing significant changes in the economic and social structure, and in all social relations. Increasingly, the Andalusians and Andalusian in different areas are served
advantage of technology to improve their quality of life. Also, more and more companies and institutions that support their competitiveness Andalusia, productivity and cooperation in Information Technology, which is why the Ministry
Innovation, Science and must be accorded the merits and efforts that different actors are doing in order to promote the development of Information Society Andalusian, trying to streamline and accelerate their transition
the Knowledge Society. To do this in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008 Awards were announced Andalucía Information Society. From
the Andalusian government has opted for immersion of Andalusia in the Knowledge Society, proof of which is approval by the Governing Council on 26 December 2006, the Andalusian Plan of the Information Society, which is the instrument programming framework and public policy planning of the Junta de Andalucía in relation to the essential elements to promote the strengthening of the Information Society.
At its behest of the Secretary General of Telecommunications and Information Society, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Article 26.2.m) of Law 9 / 2007 of October 31, Administration Board of Andalusia, taking into account the provisions of Decree 168/2009 of 19 May, regulating the structure, organization of the Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise, and Article 46.4 of Law 6 / 2006 of 24 October, the Government of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia
Friday, October 30, 2009
Reasons Of Red Eyes In 8 Month Baby
BOJA October 23, 2009. Resolution
October 5, 2009, the General Directorate of Teaching and Human Resource Management, which is published by the call to cover any vacancies by temporary appointment or replacement of the Teacher Corps in the fields of German and Foreign-language Foreign Language-French in public schools in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
resolution of 6 October 2009, the General Directorate of Teaching and Management of Human Resources, which makes call for interim coverage in the Teacher Corps of possible substitutions in bilingual public schools in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.

BOJA October 23, 2009. Resolution
October 5, 2009, the General Directorate of Teaching and Human Resource Management, which is published by the call to cover any vacancies by temporary appointment or replacement of the Teacher Corps in the fields of German and Foreign-language Foreign Language-French in public schools in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
resolution of 6 October 2009, the General Directorate of Teaching and Management of Human Resources, which makes call for interim coverage in the Teacher Corps of possible substitutions in bilingual public schools in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Make Sentence With Condolence
To get your hands on the head
BOJA February 2, 2007.
in which, on page 17, Chapter II, Human Resources section, in Articles 35 and 36 state that:
Article 35. Support teachers and decreased ratio of students
Schools enrolled in school than students who
this special issue on school
teachers will have specific support and fewer
of students per classroom, according to which,
for such purposes, is established.
Article 36. Other professionals.
1. Educational counseling teams that meet
schools that students who enrolled in school this
a special issue on school seconding
their jobs to civil service staff with the degree
of social educator, according to which, for this purpose
be determined.
2. This task will develop personal relationship between the center
education and students' families, brokerage
assume educational functions between it and the rest of the community
educational and work with faculty in the educational attention
of those students in the classroom cohabitation and
development programs for education in values \u200b\u200band
improving school life, all in accordance with the provisions set forth in the plan
3. In secondary schools in which students enrolled in school
problem with a particular school
coexistence may also be ascribed to their places of work
staff officer with the degree of social
educator. These personnel will be integrated in the department of
guidance, develop the tasks set out in paragraph above

BOJA February 2, 2007.
in which, on page 17, Chapter II, Human Resources section, in Articles 35 and 36 state that:
Article 35. Support teachers and decreased ratio of students
Schools enrolled in school than students who
this special issue on school
teachers will have specific support and fewer
of students per classroom, according to which,
for such purposes, is established.
Article 36. Other professionals.
1. Educational counseling teams that meet
schools that students who enrolled in school this
a special issue on school seconding
their jobs to civil service staff with the degree
of social educator, according to which, for this purpose
be determined.
2. This task will develop personal relationship between the center
education and students' families, brokerage
assume educational functions between it and the rest of the community
educational and work with faculty in the educational attention
of those students in the classroom cohabitation and
development programs for education in values \u200b\u200band
improving school life, all in accordance with the provisions set forth in the plan
3. In secondary schools in which students enrolled in school
problem with a particular school
coexistence may also be ascribed to their places of work
staff officer with the degree of social
educator. These personnel will be integrated in the department of
guidance, develop the tasks set out in paragraph above
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Whats The Difference Between A Chi And A Chi Air
training grants for university graduates in areas related to information technology
This scholarship is a scholarship for training in ICT. If you are qualified and want to specialize in this field, we encourage you to learn about it and let you know that has a face part in INAP (National Institute of Public Administration) in Madrid.
The link is:

This scholarship is a scholarship for training in ICT. If you are qualified and want to specialize in this field, we encourage you to learn about it and let you know that has a face part in INAP (National Institute of Public Administration) in Madrid.
The link is:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
How Much Will I Get On Tdi Ri
The Anxiety Workshop Fear of Public Speaking aims to: (1)
know what the anxiety, (2) identify our responses to anxiety and
(3) learn different strategies to prevent or control our responses to anxiety
when speaking in public.
has a duration of 10 hours spread over 5 sessions.
schedule is planned from 10:00 to 12:00 hours on Tuesday 10, 17 and 24 November and 1 and 9 December.
Registration: 26 October to 4 November.
The workshop is free, takes place at the Royal Hospital and places are limited.
To register personally must be passed by the Cabinet
Psicopedagógico (Royal Hospital parking entrance of the C / Ancha de
Capuchins, first building on left).
For more information please stop by the GPP, phone call 958248501 or
write an e-mail to The hours are from 10 to 14 hours (L to V)
and 16:00 to 18:00 (L and X). Sagrario López Ortega
Counseling Center
University of Granada Tel 958 248 501
The Anxiety Workshop Fear of Public Speaking aims to: (1)
know what the anxiety, (2) identify our responses to anxiety and
(3) learn different strategies to prevent or control our responses to anxiety
when speaking in public.
has a duration of 10 hours spread over 5 sessions.
schedule is planned from 10:00 to 12:00 hours on Tuesday 10, 17 and 24 November and 1 and 9 December.
Registration: 26 October to 4 November.
The workshop is free, takes place at the Royal Hospital and places are limited.
To register personally must be passed by the Cabinet
Psicopedagógico (Royal Hospital parking entrance of the C / Ancha de
Capuchins, first building on left).
For more information please stop by the GPP, phone call 958248501 or
write an e-mail to The hours are from 10 to 14 hours (L to V)
and 16:00 to 18:00 (L and X). Sagrario López Ortega
Counseling Center
University of Granada Tel 958 248 501
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Guy Gets Boner On Radio Waxin
projects, contracts and research agreements. Job
The University of Malaga (UMA) is awarding grants to projects, contracts and research agreements.
If anyone is interested here 'link where you can find it.
BOJA. Http://
investgación Vicerectorado of UMA

The University of Malaga (UMA) is awarding grants to projects, contracts and research agreements.
If anyone is interested here 'link where you can find it.
BOJA. Http://
investgación Vicerectorado of UMA
Funny Letter Of Intent To Vacate
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Nausea One Week After Plan B
Invitation from
As you know, we have established contact with the College of Teachers for Catalonia (COPEC).
We are invited to the next day entitled:
If anyone is interested in attending, to discuss what the secretariat of the association. We are also invited to the competition on educational testing, the
which, if necessary, we would extend a few days the project end date.
The basis and the characteristics are Web:
If you want to contact them, and do not know how to do it you can address us directly. Well
much encouragement.
As you know, we have established contact with the College of Teachers for Catalonia (COPEC).
We are invited to the next day entitled:
If anyone is interested in attending, to discuss what the secretariat of the association. We are also invited to the competition on educational testing, the
which, if necessary, we would extend a few days the project end date.
The basis and the characteristics are Web:
If you want to contact them, and do not know how to do it you can address us directly. Well
much encouragement.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Football Player Won The Most Trophy
Christmas is coming: P
are so many things I want to tell, but at the time of writing the forgetfulness, I post daily things that happen to me or think, but then I lack the time or I forget. First of all I tell them I'm happy on Wednesday call home to tell my mom who was leaving, but I told them that is participating in the meeting of neighbors and passing in social work and stuff, my brother Ferdinand I answered the phone, and you told me I have news for you I say it now or when you come obviously now mmmmm jajaja curiosity is stronger:) and told me I won a computer I could not believe it. Well I tell them that the government here in Chilito award to children with low grades and computer resources that is entirely at the option of them, the pc I choose now and give it in March 2010 when school begins, we imaginence everyone happy, just they had no computer and my mom was about to borrow as they badly needed because my two brothers are in school and almost all tasks have to remove them from the internet, this will give away the computer and apparently a year of free internet: D
Other stuff mmm finally send him the gift Pit magenta, for lack of time and money when I had not sent him the money he had no time, it is very rare but I got up very early but I do not have time to do my things, say mmm fabric paint seams or nails are not things I just do not have time for anything in the evenings knit a while.
As I was in the previous post I'm teaching some kids how to make fabric flowers and a couple of pics here with the work of my students: D
Meeting On Tuesday I had a proxy for Dumuzi school and got a big announcement that squeezed my tummy told me that Dumuzi would probably be high, you know that going to a language school, college horrorr look, well wait until the end of the month and we will know if you are going to kindergarten or school. It is good news but it gives me something to change to a large school, with many more children in the school day Dumuzi in the morning to going on do not amount to 50 children, that nerves: P aunt told me that Dumuzi is super hardworking and she knew that if you are going to be super Well, wait until the end of the month and we will know the outcome.
Christmas comes to us yesterday came a parcel from Spain and my mother sent us a Christmas gift many very nice stuff, to me a few sets for embroidery, a book for embroidery with beads, beads, sequins, a Chalita, clothing, a tiny portfolio, videos and lots of gifts for Dumuzi and Emily. A few weeks ago I sent a transfer pencils in red and blue are great.
Who can do this?
are so many things I want to tell, but at the time of writing the forgetfulness, I post daily things that happen to me or think, but then I lack the time or I forget. First of all I tell them I'm happy on Wednesday call home to tell my mom who was leaving, but I told them that is participating in the meeting of neighbors and passing in social work and stuff, my brother Ferdinand I answered the phone, and you told me I have news for you I say it now or when you come obviously now mmmmm jajaja curiosity is stronger:) and told me I won a computer I could not believe it. Well I tell them that the government here in Chilito award to children with low grades and computer resources that is entirely at the option of them, the pc I choose now and give it in March 2010 when school begins, we imaginence everyone happy, just they had no computer and my mom was about to borrow as they badly needed because my two brothers are in school and almost all tasks have to remove them from the internet, this will give away the computer and apparently a year of free internet: D
As I was in the previous post I'm teaching some kids how to make fabric flowers and a couple of pics here with the work of my students: D
Meeting On Tuesday I had a proxy for Dumuzi school and got a big announcement that squeezed my tummy told me that Dumuzi would probably be high, you know that going to a language school, college horrorr look, well wait until the end of the month and we will know if you are going to kindergarten or school. It is good news but it gives me something to change to a large school, with many more children in the school day Dumuzi in the morning to going on do not amount to 50 children, that nerves: P aunt told me that Dumuzi is super hardworking and she knew that if you are going to be super Well, wait until the end of the month and we will know the outcome.
Christmas comes to us yesterday came a parcel from Spain and my mother sent us a Christmas gift many very nice stuff, to me a few sets for embroidery, a book for embroidery with beads, beads, sequins, a Chalita, clothing, a tiny portfolio, videos and lots of gifts for Dumuzi and Emily. A few weeks ago I sent a transfer pencils in red and blue are great.
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