Decalogue for young teachers
summarizes basic ideas on the teaching work, includes issues inextricably linked, as they are, the motivation of teaching, the selection of the content of the class the evaluation process, the role of students in the class, the teacher's role in class, respect and love in the teaching process and attention to diversity among others.
As its name suggests is aimed at young teachers but that the unusual approach taken may attract attention and criticism of an infinite number of specialists.
The author seeks to maintain active exchange with prices that are motivated and supported the view that dissent is development.
Decalogue How do I interpret this?
shares the seat of wisdom and reason with your students. Do not consider his own, better consider yourself your humble servant.
Worry about the needs and motives of the students are the ones that matter. You will work to match your interests with teaching.
not transmit knowledge. Summons that knowledge is discovered by your disciples.
speaks little show more. Do not use time and space of your students to show how much you know. Choose carefully
content. Who tries to cover everything, does not cover anything and only thinks he knows everything about everything that he knows nothing about anything.
uses technology to make your life easier, not complicate it. If you make more pleasant and productive learning process use it, but discard. Ama
first calls later. Before you feel the heat requirement that students must feel your love and your love. Evaluate
as teach. In evaluating beam use and allow you to use all the resources you use to teach.
Respect your students more than your managers. Ultimately, your students will have the last word on the authenticity of your teaching.
DIVERSITY PLAN NO, Take this into consideration. Each student will walk according to its limits and potentialities, DO NOT TRY TO LEVEL THE GROUP.
To read more:
Prof. Dr. José Ramón Gómez Cobelo

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