resolution of 23 October 2009, the Secretary of State for Education and Vocational Training for which scholarships are held training in evaluation and education statistics at the Institute of Assessment, in 2010. Http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2009/11/14/pdfs/BOE-A-2009-18167.pdf
Purpose and duration of grants.
1. The purpose of the fellowship is to train specialists in evaluation and educational statistics.
2. The scholarships are distributed in the following areas: Area
assessment, analysis and documentation.
statistical area.
3. Fellows will conduct their training process in the Appraisal Institute in the General Division
Territorial Cooperation and the Bureau of Statistics.
4. The entitlement period of the scholarship shall be twelve months, starting January 1
, 2010 and ending on December 31 that year.
Segundo. Formativo. Program-The process of training should be relevant to a specific training program
in each of the areas identified:
1. In the area of \u200b\u200bassessment, analysis and documentation process will include trainee participation in all phases of the evaluation studies and indicators
: preparation of studies and their implementation, analysis and reporting of results and dissemination
2. In the area of \u200b\u200bstatistical fellows trained and
participate in various stages of the process of developing and disseminating state
Statistics Education. Special emphasis will be on the phases of analysis and data cleansing
and in the treatment of statistical indicators
Education, and know and use other data sources related to the
Education. Fourth
. Beneficiarios.-may compete those of English nationality,
citizens of a Member State of the European Union or signatory to the Agreement
European Economic Area, university graduates who have
completed his undergraduate studies in 2005 or later. Current Fellows
may be submitted to this call and
obtain renewal of the grant, taking into account that the maximum period of enjoyment of it is
forty-eight months, from the date of the first granted .
Quinto. Obligations beneficiarios.-1. Fellows are required to
Eighth. Presentation solicitudes.-1. The applications, addressed to the Director General
Evaluation and Regional Cooperation (Appraisal Institute) shall
submitted to the registry of the Ministry of Education (c / Los Madrazo, 15-17, Madrid 28014
) or, where appropriate, by any means
set out in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 on the Legal System Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, as amended by Law 4 / 1999 of
January 14, within 20 calendar days from the day following the publication
of this Resolution in the Official Gazette State.
2. If the request does not meet the requirements of the notice will require the relevant person to
, within ten days, to remedy the faults or accompanying the
required documents. If this did not occur within the correction, you will
withdrawn its request without further delay, with the effects
under Article 42 of Law 30/1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and
Common Administrative Procedure
3. In the application document, contained in Annex I, the applicant will
contain the following information:
a) The area you want to ascribe.
b) The overall average grade transcript.
Assessment Area:
a) Degree in Education, Psychology, Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Science,
Statistics, Documentation and Cataloguing: 15 points.
cve: BOE-A-2009-18167 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 275 Saturday, 14 November 2009 Section III
. P. 97019
b) Academic record: up to 10 points.
c) Statistical knowledge: 25 points.
d) Knowledge of software tools aimed at assessing: Excel, Access
, SPSS, page layout and creation of web pages up to 25 points.
e) Knowledge of English: up to 25 points.
statistical area:
a) Degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Economics or Computer Science: 40 points.
b) Academic record: up to 10 points.
c) Knowledge of software tools aimed at the statistics: Excel, Access and SPSS
up to 25 points.
d) Knowledge of English: up to 15 points.
e) Other merits claimed that best fit the roles they will have to
play (courses and training activities carried out, etc ...): up 10 points.
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