Members: Constance
Salazar Yasna Llanos
Course: Principles
Teacher: Daniel Neira Troncoso
Section: 6
Delivery Date: 03/11/2008
To begin this report is of great importance to raise fundamental concepts in the study of the skills of the teaching profession, with reference to definitions established by web pages and documents discussed in class, due to its massive recurrence, become the source of collective knowledge, not always being accurate these in your information.
- One of the meanings found on competence is a website massively contested " Wikipedia" that says "A competition is the harmonious interaction of the skills, knowledge, values, motivations, personality traits and skills of each person to determine and predict the behavior that leads to achieving the results or objectives to achieve in the organization.
Within organizations, the skills are used for augmenting the human capital in pursuit of the objectives of the position, area and organization, as well as developing human beings. " 1
If we focus on this definition and connect with reality, we find several conflicts for their development; the first word that we will stop it in "skills" How do you get these? Is in undergraduate education? Unfortunately not, usually the university cares more to deliver the theoretical, to comply with certain hours in the classroom before a teacher, and in instances and close to obtaining the title is given the opportunity of an internship field, which should start from the beginning of the pre-degree, this would be very beneficial since the student can be very good both in their field and in teaching classes that are submitted but time to face against a class that is unable to answer or account that really is neither prepared nor willing to such work , either because they are interested or able to interact with students coming from different socio-cultural class, socioeconomic status, beliefs, etc. All this must go hand in addition to the teachers who prepare these teachers (forgive the redundancy) to be prepared and updated also with regard to what students will face, not believing they should be structured in one way or much less than may carry a class "ideal", but rather must be flexible when faced with different groups of trainees depending on their ages and diversities above.
After alluding to the word definition knowledge, here we find a very well made in
Below is a table that corresponds to the scores of income in the year 2008 at
Now, when we speak of values \u200b\u200bto values \u200b\u200b"we mean specifically? If we dedicate ourselves to name values \u200b\u200bwould be an infinite list, so our main interest is to name one that is fundamental and which underpin all the other "respect", as in a classroom will give different situations where the teacher as a person of authority in the classroom should know properly address them, the more conducive environment for the development of a class in a context of respect, that is, the teacher will want to be respected by his students and for this the need to respect them (since no one can claim something that does not practice), for example, at present in children and adolescents is a stream called "urban tribes" which is divided into a wealth of different groups (Pokemon , emos, hair lais, otaku, etc.) different from each other by the music they hear, class, clothing (which most eccentric of all) and even a common language in these circumstances the teacher should know tolerate them and also according to the rules established in the establishment know impose rules of behavior and conduct, but not disqualifying the student, so that the climate of the appropriate class, ie, the teacher can also make your classes and students who do not belong to any "tribe" are not passed to carry and interfered in its activities. Respect for the other also follows from justice, which a professor must be paramount, that's where the teacher must avoid prejudices about their students, also must be fair to the knowledge delivery, should be equal for all not think that one can do more than others and focus only on those who claim fruit, but provide opportunities for all, just as well be in their assessments and all knowledge judged themselves able to recognize when the problem passing through it and not by the students, correcting properly.
The next concept we find in the definition of competition is the motivation, without this feature would not be possible to acquire new skills and, therefore, our progress as individuals would be limited.
Motivation is the basis of excellence, trying to meet the challenges and goals that we set, strive to try to be better every day, not to show the rest but by a self-satisfaction. But how can you motivate a teacher? It is clear that before (when the race not taught in college) teaching was not valued by society, and although now a college situation has not changed enough for a person with a vocation to feel really proud to say: "I want to be a teacher ". The problem is how society values \u200b\u200ba profession, it is true that if we do a survey and asked what work is more important between dentist or a teacher, most would opt to name the first. Because we live in a consumer community, as the name says the most important thing is money, the professions are valued for the economic and not for what they really mean for the country. That is why people are not interested in their ideals, but just having a good financial move, are counted on the fingers of one hand those who defy the law of money and opt for self-fulfillment in what they really like, those are the ones we actually see motivated, on the other side are those who join just to access the university system, they have the attitude of teaching, not all the features that accompany them, patience, dedication, time, and especially calling, the only way this can withstand the weight to be brought a teacher, because it will be twenty-four hours a day, inside and outside the classroom. We believe the main reasons you may receive is to be appreciated for the contribution that the community is through recognition by the government.
On the other hand, the call is moving a teacher, as many of them could make much more money in other jobs, but the desire to help their students is most enriching all the monetary aspect and why they choose this profession. Knowing that your student is an engineer, architect, lawyer, technician, or simply work makes you feel more and more proud of his choice of life. But we can leave aside the money, because they also have to maintain a family and in this respect we must say that very little in proportion to the dedication that must have a teacher to do their work because their schedule does not end after 8 hours, but must review tests, papers, and all that is after school hours.
In last place we will refer to personality traits and skills of each person, this is what makes the difference between some teachers and others, the personality we are very young we're making based on place where we live, perhaps we do our early years as passive actors, receiving what our parents or environment give us, but over the years are our own decisions that forge our character and personality. As for our skills are those things that for one reason or another is easier or we do not always going well in hand with the personality, for example, there are those who have an easier relationship with the students and this may be for its tolerance, joy, charisma, etc. This point is perhaps finally determines each of the aforementioned, because according to our determination, interests and abilities develop the various facets that will make us a competent person to become a teacher.
In the previous section we defined the concept of competition, but what are necessary for a teacher is considered a "good teacher"?. The "attempt" to answer this question was made by the MOE (Ministry of Education), the document called Framework for Good Teaching
To develop this point we will build on the framework already mentioned, the documentation required by the subject and found others on the web.
Skills to be developed by a teacher are:
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