Thursday, November 27, 2008

Micro Ovn Campingvogn

Universidad de Concepción

Faculty of Education.

Science Department Education.


In this essay analyzes a postulate that is important for the development of education "The relationship between teacher and student affects academic achievement."

The relationship between student and teacher must be good because:

1. "WE FEEL GOOD IF WE LEARN MORE, the balance between the implementation of standards for teaching and learning, sometimes tolerance and flexibility, when not affect the smooth running of the class, are the core that makes the weather learning and dedication to study, " must first respect (mutual) within the classroom, where student-teacher participants understand the role it plays in this and the other (with the term "respect" we want to refer to the fact that students and teachers to be tolerant and accept the way thinking and acting), it must establish clear rules of coexistence, but it is not to say "do not do this, because they will punish you so", the idea is that the teacher in their role as educators to inculcate in their students know , a series of values \u200b\u200bthat they incorporate in their daily lives positively, this is the main purpose of education, once we understand that this concerns not only the transmission of certain knowledge rather formal in different subjects, but this should cover everything that relates to the training of people of integrity. Another important factor is the trust that is established in the classroom, on both sides, ie the student is leading an expression of confidence in all students, that encourages them to pose further challenges the belief that these students are capable, as we saw in the movie "STAND AND DELIVER" the teacher is where a group of students who were convinced that education was a mere waste of time not had nothing to do with them, but they did see how capable they were and not giving them anything, just giving them the necessary tools not underestimate them at any time, just trust them and treating them as adults capable they were, finally achieving an outstanding result. This trust, generate confidence in the other direction, the pupil and the teacher, if the students see the teacher as someone respectful and trustworthy, not hesitate to bring their concerns and come on if necessary.

2 - Another important point, which mentions the same "framework for good teaching" is: the teacher's adaptation to the environment in which developed by the teachers education and when it comes to the environment does not mean just the physical environment. Without doubt this is important because it may determine the teaching that the teacher uses in his classes, but the socio-cultural is not you doubt of great importance, for example, if the teacher is in a low-socioeconomic not is that it adopts the attitudes of their students and become one more, but supposedly more like the teacher has a solid foundation of education, this should involve students, their different lifestyles and adapt, ie you can not belittle nor overlook, must do something to get closer to these without invading or insulting their various conditions, being affordable to them, leaving aside a tone that many teachers often show superiority. If it is rather an ethnic difference, here is where respect is paramount, as well as an adaptation to the beliefs of these, as well, in addition to meeting established some basic content, tailored to the needs of the people do not would be a bad year, for example if you teach in an Aboriginal people, certainly that must be met with an equal education compared to the rest of the country, but also can consider certain situations involving themselves pro example, a language teacher addition to teaching English correctly, can delve into the dialect of the people we teach, but not superficially, but the same rules that pertain to English Grammar, contextualize and raise them formally in the appropriate dialect.

3 - Personal contact and stimulation, in an establishment, as in any human group, one encounters a diversity People, it is necessary that students do not feel it is one more of the classes and much unless he feels that the teacher is there just for money and that this is not really interested in what happens to the (a situation that unfortunately happens sometimes.) The teacher should be able to know and understand the reality of each of their students, both educational and personally, know the weaknesses and capabilities of each, as well as the origin of these, in the educational field such as being able and given the detecting processes work to go and setbacks over a year for all students, and to detect the causes for further improvement, will make students feel they are not alone. All this accompanied by a stimulation may be even more advantageous, and with this I do not mean a great prize material, but for example, when I was basic education, the teacher maintained an honor roll, in which students were all averaged over 60, which produced a sort of pride of those who composed it, what made all the students wanted to overcome.


We conclude the validity of the postulate raised because ultimately as concrete within the education profession-teacher relationship, is no need for more resources and spaces, this is what primarily moves the educated, believe in "good teacher" one who has the ability to improvise and adapt to circumstances and requirements that arise spontaneously at any time, without forget their main task as a transmitter of knowledge and values.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Karate Board Breaking Holders

FINAL TEST WORK: "Difficulties in the performance of the teaching profession" job skills


This work deals with the difficulties that are presented to the teacher when interacting with children in school or with the same environment, but more than a social issue we will be guided by what happens in the classroom , qa and we shall be able to find a solution, because the issue of social class differences is a matter that falls to other authorities have more power than those associated with education.
try to find the best solution for these problems, the best interest for members of the educational system (students and teachers).
Guided by the pattern sent by the teacher, the aim of this work is:
"Developing capabilities analytical, critical and creative
difficulties in analyzing the teaching profession and to propose solutions (
not fragmented), situations that affect the teaching profession, taking into account knowledge, personal experience and relationship with real actors in the field of their profession. "
But in order to properly develop these difficulties, we must first define several concepts that will help in the treatment of this work. Starting from the definition of difficulty to what we understand as education.


The word comes from the Latin term difficulty difficult. According to the dictionary definition of the Royal English Academy (RAE), the concept is treated as inconvenience, annoyance preventing opposition or get run well or understand something and soon. The term, as an obstacle or challenge to overcome has inspired thoughts of various writers and thinkers.
ü "Intellectual function of the difficulties is to lead men and women to think" John Dewey

ü "if you call experience to your difficulties and remember that every experience helps you grow, you will grow vigorous and happy, matter how adverse the circumstances. "
Henry Miller
ü" the greater the difficulty, the greater the glory "Cicero

ü" wise man thinks only of his difficulties when it is an object. When not thinking about something else "Bertrand Russel

Therefore this concept is treated like a fence, but you can always exceed the benefit of education and that is why we then propose solutions to them.

The second concept is that of competence, which was discussed extensively in previous work, therefore we only refer to specific points and quotations on them.
Spencer and Spencer, consider it "an underlying characteristic of an individual, that is causally related to effective or superior performance in a situation or work, defined in terms of a criterion" (p. 9).
Rodriguez and Feliu, define them as sets of knowledge, skills, dispositions and behaviors that a person possesses, which enable the successful completion of an activity. " Ansorena
Cao, states: "A skill or personal attribute of the behavior of a subject, which is defined as property of their behavior, and, under which the task-oriented behavior can be classified in a logical and reliable." (P. 76)
Woodruffe, the poses as "A dimension of open and gross behavior, which will allow a person to perform efficiently. "
Finally, Boyatzis (Woodruffe, 1993) notes that it" sets of patterns, a person must take a position to efficiently perform their tasks and duties. "
the analysis of these definitions can be concluded that the Powers:
1. are permanent features of the person,
2. They are revealed when you run a task or performing a task,
3. They are related with the successful implementation in an activity, whether occupational or otherwise.
4. have a causal relationship with work performance, ie not only associated with success, but it is assumed that actually cause it.

Other important concepts to define are:

teaching profession

"Teaching is clearly a profession like many others, and requires trained professionals on knowledge, values, attitudes and willingness of love for their students'
The teaching profession is the role to be fulfilled by the teacher, play a key role in building a developed country and is very important for the development of children and learning from them.
If the teacher acts as an authoritative agent, prevents the exchange of knowledge between students and himself. And what really get are memorized answers textbooks where we see the student's opinion against what they read. Unmotivated students are currently
; do not feel invited to participate in the learning process. Maybe we should make adjustments to our way of educating in which the student feels his character and learning.
How many people have been able to follow a successful path in life by competent teachers and patients, who believed in them and were able to teach them everything they knew, including values \u200b\u200bsuch as responsibility and effort? How many were saved from a path of self-destruction that led their dysfunctional families, thanks to a school that had an educational project able to take care of children at risk? None of this is possible if we do not have competent and motivated professionals. And we will not have competent professionals if the teaching profession is considered a second class profession where very few get the best students in the schools. It is essential to raise the level of the teaching profession, increasing the level of demands. If not everyone can be a doctor, not everyone can be a teacher either. The requirements for receiving his teacher and the profession should be much higher, and wages must be commensurate with their social importance.

quality education.

First of all define the term quality, which we found defined as follows: "The quality of a product or service is the perception that the customer has of itself is a mental fixation that assumes consumers under that product or service and the ability of it to meet your needs. The purpose is to reach a higher standard, which is expected on the expectations and the product goes well at the lowest possible cost. In short hints as to how successful a service is delivered, we will do something, etc.. leaving a little behind the simple conformism or thought of to meet sufficient, but rather, trying to make some of the best way possible within certain parameters. Now if we transfer this to the educational field, we find the following definition:
Muñoz (2003) explains, "that education is of quality when it is intended to satisfy the aspirations of all sectors of society members for whom it is addressed , if, in doing so, actually achieve the goals pursued in each case, if it is generated through culturally appropriate processes, optimally exploiting the resources needed to deliver it and ensuring that the opportunities to receive, and social and economic benefits derived from same-are distributed equally among the various sectors that make up the society to which it is addressed. "
Once this concept, When can we really say that quality education is delivered?, an example of what are the results achieved by students , to achieve their own goals, not what you require or what you can, if you do not really want, give them the necessary tools for this within a range of people of integrity, ie. Let them be able to function in any area with ease and just delve even deeper into what interests them.


"Equity comes from the Latin aequitas of Aequus, alike. They have a connotation of social justice and equal responsibility and appreciation of individuality, reaching a balance between two things, equity is just plenty. " Now within the educational field, the concept of educational equity is inevitably related to the quality of education, this is related to that relates to more traditional concepts such as equality of opportunity and social justice. Educational developments and the latest knowledge on the ways and conditions of learning into the analysis of equity perspective to provide a differentiated and equated retention conditions success among all social sectors. On the other hand, if education is understood as a facilitator of skills and abilities to the social and particularly economic, equity policies aim at the generalization of results to ensure socially responsible actions and economically productive among individuals of all socioeconomic .


To give a definition of that is education take as reference the UNESCO definition is, who defines it as follows:
"education is defined by the overall process of society, through which individuals and social groups learn to develop consciously within the national and international community and benefit from them, all their skills, attitudes, skills and knowledge. This process is often limited, sometimes to a particular activity. "
From this definition we can infer that there are at least three types of education: formal, non formal and informal that we live every day in our development as social subjects who are educated.
The reality is that formal education is education that is supported by institutions that have plans or programs of study, has a physical or virtual school, and on completion receive a certificate, degree or title, and that in reality are delivered by gardens, schools, high schools, colleges, universities, etc.. Accompanied by a formal education is what ethics and values \u200b\u200bthat these institutions want to implement in their outreach in accordance with its educational and cross-value framework that promotes the education ministry.
On the other hand we are invaded by a type of non-formal education is given through agencies and educational institutions that are technically oriented, there are levels of study, there is no certificate, are considered important but have no life project. For example, dance classes, carpentry, sewing, mechanics, among others.
Finally there is an informal education which is given by what I see and I decide to purchase. It is usually all that we learn from the media, mainly in the home, church, television, Internet, radio, etc. Define
education, the issue is too complicated since we are referring to all that it encompasses: society, culture, educational models, educational problems, progress in education, new ways of educating, etc.) Is everything that includes learning and training for one person, regardless of their social, economic, cultural, race, sex, party, etc.


For performance mean a planned order that requires knowledge and specific skills development, which will have been chosen as the result you expected. This order should be planned so that the student agrees to have a proper execution to different situations and can adapt to the changing forms of work organization. Therefore, the performance should be in accordance with the terms and criteria of the quality requirements that have previously been set for his execution.
As for teacher professional development we can say that is the result of skills, or the student to achieve objectives efficiently and the desired effect within the stipulated time and using the best methods and resources for its implementation. This performance has been strengthened by educational improvement programs delivered by the government such as: what projects links, academic excellence, awards to teachers by region etc. Performance
These powers are proposed by the Ministry of Education in the Framework of Good Teaching, this route is nothing more than a support for teachers where you can self-assess and see if you are having a good professional performance, either within the classroom or within the establishment in which it is situated.
We can now say that the powers are the backbone of the new models of education and these are focused on the performance of teachers. Curriculum

is the set of ideas that give a sense counselor, founded and guided the purpose of educational action.
Evolution of the concept of curriculum:

"set of experiences undertaken by students under the guidance of the school"

"structured series of learning objectives that we aim to achieve. Prescribed or anticipated results of the investigation. (Johnson1957)

"Attempt to communicate principles and essential features of an educational purpose to remain open to critical discussion and be translated into practice. "(Stenhouse1981)

Joint educational experience which aims at the development of thinking as a psychological tool using language in a socio -experiential human development. (Curriculum Chair 2005)

II. Difficulties for the development of the teaching profession

A major difficulty with that is the teaching profession is reality itself in the process of teacher training a group of students learn equally a set knowledge and skills for their future professional development, in many cases without providing individual and social capacities of individuals, let alone the diversity of environments in which these will unfold, here's where we stop with the main proxy, because for most preparation "theory" that a student receives and interest that this has to exercise a quality education, something that goes beyond the scope of their hands or place where they were form yourselves as teachers "The educational establishment", unfortunately the lack of link between what the teacher wants and to do and the goals or plans of the establishment is not always adequate.

Which is what actually happens in the establishments (municipal)? Today blunders has confused the quality of Chilean education with the amount, ie educational institutions have been created out of control and not even worry that this delivers education is quality education becoming almost like a tent but that opens and closes without further requirement only a place to shelter and customers who require these services, likewise the innumerable number of establishments is not satisfied with a few courses, much less level with few pupils with a saturating amount up to 7 level courses and those with a maximum of 45 students being of course almost always filling this quota because of the subsidy received per enrollee setting, total "that the teacher can arrange them as if their job," goes along with this little delicacy with which directors are chosen such premises, without assess the prospects that they have the same education and work within it. On the other hand, the establishment is so down to comply with a certain amount of content already established by the same Ministry of Education in the curriculum, to further evaluate the students according to those contained in the University Selection Test, where once but we superimposed the quantity over quality, and to worry for the student to incorporate certain basic things correctly, is prioritized delivery of many skills which perhaps at the end of secondary education only remember a fraction of them.

The same applies to the SIMCE since the idea of \u200b\u200bthis test is to see how adequate is the level and content delivery facilities throughout the country, but many establishments (not all) focus during the year concerned the event-evaluation of this testing and reviews focused on the student at least incorporate as much content as possible to the time of the test.

Finally due to mismanagement and focus within educational establishments is that the teacher meets with various difficulties of carrying out its work, firstly teachers are faced with a large group of students, whereby each case has times of learning, different methods and capabilities. If it costs you your kids to pay attention or get along among them imagine what they must do a teacher to carry out a class with 45 students, of whom some have problems at home, other hormones have revolutionized , others do not care or any other problem. On the other hand, do you think a teacher with that amount of time students is always to enhance education for those students who need it? Both teachers and students deserve a better workplace and better care respectively.

Now if we look more rights in the classroom but even more in the teaching of our discipline, we can see how the above issues on what really happens in the setting directly affects the teaching of mathematics. The ministry implements a curriculum framework, which complies teacher as part of a process of order-execution, but what ends up being the real purpose? "Impart skills or that students actually learn?, Here, as we where mathematics comes really justified and mostly misunderstood, the teacher must meet certain subjects in a group of 45 students during a semester, what happens? the teacher during their training as well says the framework for good teaching, should have basic knowledge of their specialty, both historically and scientifically, but here where one finds contradictions, one as a student of Mathematics and Computer Education can cite the following case for example, in the course of Analytic Geometry realize once in college that all the "recipes" handed to calculate a distance between a point and another, to get equations of lines, parabolas, etc.. have a scientific basis are not because they are, but postulated that a very small one can only reach such a theorem demonstrating thereby avoiding the memorization, likewise we have seen how the use of mathematical (DERIVE, Calibri) can give us a better understanding of Analytic Geometry, the first program is more algebraic level (equations, calculations, etc.) and even the second best can be represented so that you get to connect this geometry to everyday life, we can see how many Architectural figures are built based on the locus. Then you think why I was taught well in high school? Perhaps this would avoid the look of mathematics as so arbitrary, monotone and "other world" if we knew where they were born so extravagant formulas if we saw the implementation of this. But let's get out of the role of student teachers and teachers in coloquémonos Is this possible? As mentioned there is a point that is pressed with the amount of content available either on a test or simply measuring compliance with the curriculum framework, then following the example of analytical geometry, then this is a table of contents they "should" teach middle third as the curriculum (which we have published the key objectives and we are doing reference to the contents):


1.1 (CC) n-eseimas Roots of positive numbers. Powers
fractional exponent.
operative relationship between power and roots fractional exponent. 1.2
square and cube roots. 1.3
root of a product and a quotient.
1.4 (CC) Operative irrational expressions ..
1.5 Estimation and comparison of fractions that have roots in the denominator.
1.6 (CC) Streamlining. Irrational equations. System 1.7
simple linear inequalities in one unknown. 1.8
Intervals real numbers. 1.9
ask and solving linear system of inequalities with one unknown. analysis of the existence and relevance of the solutions
1.10 Relationship between linear equations and inequalities.
1.11 (CC) linear inequations in two unknowns. Description
semiplanes by linear inequalities with two unknowns.
1.12 (CC) System of linear inequalities with two unknowns Chart semiplanes and intersection of them. 1.13
quadratic function. 1.14
Graph the following functions: y = x2

y = x2 ± a, a> 0
y = (x + a) 2, a> 0
y = ax2 + bx + c, a> 0
y = a (x - h) 2 + k
1.16 Discussion of the cases of intersection of the parabola with the x-axis
1.17 Discussion of the cases of intersection of the parabola with the y-axis .
1.18 (CC) Talk peak or low point for the function,
1.19 Resolution of quadratic equations by completion of squares and its application in solving problems. 1.20
square root function. L.21
Graph: y =, emphasizing that the values \u200b\u200bof x, must be greater than or equal to zero. 1.22
id = ixi. L.23
historical commentary on the irrational numbers; Pythagorean triplets; comment on Fermat's Theorem. 1.24
Euclid's Proof of Theorem on the proportionality of the triangle. 1.25
Trigonometric ratios in the triangle.
1.26 (CC) Imaginary Numbers, Power 1.
1.27 (C.. C) Complex Numbers: Classification, complex conjugate, operations and properties. Graphic
. Modules (Standard).
Weight by a scalar.
1.28 (CC) quadratic equations with complex solutions.
1.29 (CC) Logarithms: Concept, computation, properties.
1.30 (CC) and exponential equations without logar1tlnicas
base equalization

If we realize, most cases of deficiency in demonstrations, discussions, finally all that out of the delivery schemes and resolution of financial formulas repeating the same, and the same is what is essential to. If you think about it from outside and as a student, you think that is often underestimated students by not giving them some knowledge and tools, but is it possible to deliver so much content in a year and a classroom of 45 students? No, it is very difficult, then the teacher is in this situation: I have a year, many content and many students do I do? I teach design, implement (Rather repeat) and a listing of exercises, passing the following item, without giving space to show how interesting mathematics can be. Another edge of the item is not to last for less important but rather the equity, is it possible in the broad sense of the word? First and perhaps most superficial is the socio-economic inequality, which undoubtedly inserted in different ways the students in the classroom, it is faced with larger resources, both material and psychological. Now plantémonos in a room where all students are alike and there is a teacher, and in which there is certainly a variety of intellects, unfortunately it is not possible within a course of so many students this may finishing worry those who find it difficult and yet most face a situation where you are required on certain performance then what happens? Unfortunately it uses the emphasis of those who will bear good fruit is known, strengthening their capacities in order to get out somehow on, but it's better than other students a "great? Or just a course to a fairly good level? Of course the second option reflects much better quality than the first, but it is much easier to promote something that is good to do something becomes good.

Ultimately, the teacher faces these difficulties, many students and a provision against the establishment almost Real learning, which often worse end up absorbing the teacher and given that it can not fight against this system, binds to this (situation very comfortable and convenient)

Solution to

education as the main pillar of societal development, should be the main focus of concern of that, solving the root and to monitor adequately the problems of creating institutions that do not meet basic quality standards, but this will happen someday? While people with this government and not only did not specifically cite the president if not the system itself, remain in a power struggle and personal property and realize the great opportunity they have to participate in positive change in our society, while not capable of understanding this, there is little that can be done, as well as local terrain, you can not change the mentality of the management of facilities. But in another way if there is much that we can provide, but rather said it all, the classroom, taking the difficulties we face and not let them pass, solve, because it is our field of education, not the infrastructure of a school, or costs, and materials, etc.

Starting from just beyond the establishment itself, the number of students per course, considering we're in a context of public education, the reduction should not be much, but a total of 30 students (UNESCO states that this amount is the limit for teachers to ensure that a minimum education and quality ") would be restricted in the number of enrollments within the facility, what happens to the remaining students?
Unfortunately the teacher has no authority, nor the way to solve certain issues at the country level, then what does? Take what you have, ie a large group of students, a curriculum that meet and often a limited working material, but has all the knowledge and tools supposedly, rather that power to perform their work, then take what you have and work;

Now we introduce into the classroom, where we will analyze two aspects: content (curriculum).

The curriculum, in relation to pedagogical practices within the classroom, is divided into:
· Planning Annual Semiannual
· Planning
· Planning didactic
· Suitable curricular , according to students' previous patterns of integration


In order to address concerns and proposals and does not cover all the areas just mentioned, which would bring a bit specification, we only focus on the point A.

Annual Planning: This refers to a global vision of what should and will be taught during the year. The mathematics teacher must first of all see the curriculum established by the MOE as the level at which this teaching, raising the outset the achievements you want to get to the end of the year, measured as the skills acquired pro alumnos.
Planificación semestral: He aquí donde el profesor debe ser mas concreto e idear un plan adecuado, que determinara la forma en que se realice el aprendizaje. El profesor de Matemática cuenta con un total de 8 horas (aproximadas) semanales en un curso de enseñanza media. si nos situamos en el plan de estudio analizado en el planteamiento del problema, la cantidad de contenidos que se deben enseñan dentro del año escolar asciende a 30 aproximadamente, variando según el nivel. En primer lugar no se puede pensar que todas las materias requieren la misma cantidad de tiempo enseñanza. Debido a las dificultades que le presenta el medio (numero de alumnos, cantidad de contenidos) debe idear una plan de estudio, en el que can coordinate the two main principles: quality and equity, so we propose that:

· Of the eight hours a week with the teacher counts, they should nominate five hours for the theoretical and practical classes 3 hours. ( specified in the next paragraph)
· A semester level, you must set the form of assessment and delivery of these throughout the semester. That is, they must ensure that the content which the school year begins, is the basis for the rest of the year and sequentially, linking a content to leave to others, so that students see that what learned before is not no use and can relate and find more meaning to what has been learned, for this may be of great help, at the end of each semester, make a final test that incorporates all the subjects learned during the semester. Planning
teaching: this refers to the method used to achieve the objectives of quality education and equity, so here we will develop the points already proposed: the 5 hours spent in the training and education as 3 hours devoted to training practice. Theoretical

· Training: This training should be given the contents of the subject and based mainly on our course is to avoid the process to dictate and copy what it says the teacher and the class type definition-example-listing exercise, "but from the first minute to capture student interest. The teacher should look for different methods of teaching, one that not ship all given to students for further repetition. Interestingly, the teacher would hand over first of all previous knowledge to students, then raise them problematic situations, so that those in the resolution of these problems are discovered patterns that are repeated and even come to the conclusion one way or mathematical model, and not by the hand that gives the formula and then there are problems, so that students who read more, see the numbers that appear there and try to incorporate them into the formula. This type of instruction in which the student participates in their own learning process much more the student feedback when a simple listener. On the other hand, you really learn by repeating and repeating a formula thousand times? Or simply give a list of complex and comprehensive exercises, students can see the true application of learning, we learn the remarkable products and formula to solve it, then gives us a very long results where a number replaces the formula already given and solved, but the remarkable products for themselves but never used, but these will be useful later for the fastest solution and appropriate for other problems.
· training practice, here where if you can make changes at this time can be organized in working groups to solve exercises and education is primarily a mutual and simultaneous, where our students share their different assessments of solving problems, essential for situations do not occur at the expense of the activity is respect for the teacher, if it exists, the student will understand when to talk and when not, when you say, and the teacher will know to give space to various concerns and contributions of students. Moreover, the teacher can use this time to connect to even more students to mathematics, for example, if there is a computer lab, you can use different mathematical programs, where you can show a different and more interesting the behavior of various mathematical models. If you do not have these resources, you can use very simple forms, such as area and perimeter passing can use items that can be split for example, a formula known as the area of \u200b\u200ba sphere is 4πr2 but if we an orange and draw the outline on a piece of the largest circumference of the orange, then peel, the shell is filled circles four precise measurement of the circumference drawn before and as the area of \u200b\u200ba circle is πr2, we deduce that the sphere is four times that. Just as this, there are many more ways in which using a little ingenuity we can show the students things that will no doubt be more on his mind than written forms and repetitive.


In this report we discussed the ways in which the teacher can try to overcome the various obstacles that you experience, but is more than clear that if this out of hand with a proper working of government, as principal regulator of education. It is time that this would know the importance of this and this is not to that incorporating more money to education, as the government tries to solve all pro appearance, leaving many people happy with such superficial things, like a modern building, equipment, if what matters most is the human number of persons that make up the educational body, is a matter over mind, you should stop and think poorly of Lesos us about more complex issues in education, for example when we face the issue of student numbers and say that we want this to be reduced, we are in a contradiction with the fact the creation of many establishments, but because we get to this contradiction, because if we looked at results ya sea en pruebas de rendimiento o en evaluaciones hechas por el mismo sistema educacional, existe una gran variedad de niveles da calidad, existen colegio muy buenos, como otros muy malos, entonces esta incertidumbre no da confianza para ingresar a cualquier establecimiento, si el gobierno tomara esto en sus manos y se preocupara, mas allá de si la educación es municipal, particular, subvencionada, se preocupara porque cumplieran con los entandares da calidad, si hubiera una buena fiscalización no importaría el numero de colegios, pudiendo haber muchos y con una cantidad de alumnos adecuada.

En fin el profesor, puede hacer mucho en el aula de clases, pero hay problemas tan básicos que están en manos del gobierno, pero not touch sensitive issues are avoided and is still the same. We analyze what the teacher could do with the conditions, but a question that certainly would improve the issue of mathematics education is this Is there a proportionality between the time of hours for this course and the amount of content to teach?, Without Surely this can lead to a new analysis.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Shamanism And Emotions


To begin this report is of great importance to raise fundamental concepts in the study of the skills of the teaching profession, with reference to already established definitions for web pages and documents analyzed in class, due to its massive recurrence, become the source of collective knowledge, not always be this accurate in your information.

- One of the meanings of competence is found on the website of a massively contested "Wikipedia" that says: "A competency is the harmonious interaction of the skills, knowledge, values, motivations, personality traits and skills of each person to determine and predict the behavior that leads to achieving the results or objectives to achieve in the organization.

Within organizations, the skills are used for augmenting the capital human pursuit of the objectives of the position, area and organization, as well as developing human beings. "1

If we focus on this definition and connect with reality, we find several conflicts for its development in the first word that stop is the "skills" How do you get these? Is it in undergraduate education? Unfortunately not, usually the university cares more to deliver the theoretical, to comply with certain hours in the classroom before a teacher, and in instances and close to obtaining the title is given the opportunity of a professional practice field , which should start from the beginning of the pre-grade this would be very beneficial, since the student can be very good both in their field and in teaching classes that are submitted but time to face against a class that is unable to answer or account that is not really prepared or not ready for such work, either because they are not interested or able to interact with students coming from different socio-cultural class, socioeconomic status, beliefs, etc. All this must go hand in addition to the teachers who prepare these teachers (forgive the redundancy) to be prepared and updated also with regard to what students will face, not believing they should be structured in one way or much less than may make a class "ideal", but rather must be flexible when faced with different groups of trainees depending on their ages and diversities above. After alluding

definition to the word knowledge, here we find something very well stated in the Framework for good teaching, which raises the need for teachers this constantly updating their knowledge, because in today's new discoveries of various subjects than in large quantity that was discovered some time ago for several years. The foot stop to this, is that not all teachers are willing or interested in this, some older teachers not have to take the changes that are occurring because this will mean a greater effort twice. On the other hand unfortunately many young new graduates take the same attitude but not an issue of rejection but simply because they face social pressure decided to study at the university and opted for education (that due to the system of college in our country is devalued, as calls for a relatively low score on the University Selection Test) are not always willing to do so by calling.

Below is a table that corresponds to the scores of income in 2008 to a career in education.

Now, when we speak of values \u200b\u200bto values \u200b\u200b"we mean specifically? If we dedicate ourselves to name values \u200b\u200bwould be an infinite list, so our main interest is to name one that is fundamental and which underpin all the other "respect", as in a classroom will give different situations where the teacher as a person of authority in the classroom should know properly address them, the more conducive environment for the development of a class in a context of respect, that is, the teacher will want to be respected by his students and for this he should respect them (as no one can claim something that does not practice), for example, at present in children and adolescents is a stream called "urban tribes" which is divided into a wealth of different groups (Pokemon, emos, hair lais, otaku, etc.) different from each other by the music they hear, class, clothing (which most eccentric of all) and even a common language in these circumstances the teacher must learn to tolerate them and also according to the rules established in the establishment know impose rules and regulations and conduct, but not disqualifying the student in order The climate of the appropriate class, ie the teacher can also make your classes and students who do not belong to any "tribe" are not passed to bring nor interfered in its activities. Respect for the other also follows from justice, which a professor must be paramount, here's where the teacher should avoid prejudices about their students, also must be fair to the knowledge delivery, should be equal for everyone, not can think about more than others and focus only on those who claim fruit, but provide opportunities for all, must also be fair in their assessments and all knowledge judged themselves able to recognize when the problem is for him and not students, correcting properly.

The next concept we find in the definition of competition is the motivation, without this feature would not be possible to acquire new skills and, therefore, our progress as individuals would be limited.

Motivation is the basis of excellence, trying to meet the challenges and goals that we set, strive to try to be better every day, not to show the rest but by a self-satisfaction. But how can you motivate a teacher? It is clear that before (when the race was not conducted in the university) teaching was not valued by society, and although now a college situation has not changed enough for a person feel really minded proud to say: "I be a teacher. " The problem is how society values \u200b\u200ba profession, it is true that if we do a survey and asked what work is more important between dentist or a teacher, most would opt to name the first. Because we live in a consumer community, as the name says the most important thing is money, the professions are valued for the economic and not for what they really mean for the country. That is why people are not interested in their ideals, but just having a good financial move, are counted on the fingers of one hand those who defy the law of money and opt for self-fulfillment in what they really like, those are which we really motivated on the other side are those who join just to access the university system, they have the attitude of teaching, not all the features that accompany them, patience, dedication, time, and mainly vocation, the only way this can withstand the weight to be a teacher brings because it will be twenty-four hours a day, inside and outside the classroom. We believe the main reasons you may receive is to be appreciated for the contribution is for the community through recognition by the government.
Moreover, the vocation is what makes a teacher, as many of them could make much more money in other jobs, but the desire to help students is more rewarding than all the monetary aspect and why they choose this profession. Knowing that your student is an engineer, architect, lawyer, technician, or simply work makes you feel more and more proud of his choice of life. But we can leave aside the money, because they also have to maintain a household, and in this respect we must say that very little in proportion to the dedication that must have a teacher to do their work because their schedule does not end after 8 hours, but must review tests, papers, and all that is after school hours.

Last reason we refer to personality traits and skills of each person, this is what makes the difference between some teachers and others, the personality from an early age we're making it according to the place in which we live, perhaps we do our early years as passive actors, receiving what our parents or environment give us, but over the years are our own decisions that forge our character and personality. As for our skills are those things that for one reason or another is easier or we do not always going well in hand with the personality, for example, there are those who have an easier relationship with the students and this may be for its tolerance, joy, charisma, etc. This point is perhaps finally determines each of the aforementioned, because according to our determination, interests and abilities develop the various facets that will make us a competent person to become a teacher.

In the previous section we defined the concept of competition, but what are necessary for a teacher is considered a "good teacher"?. The "attempt" to answer this question was made by the MOE (Ministry of Education) in the document entitled Framework for Good Teaching. We say "attempted" because these are only words and you can not see what actually happens in practice, where some problems may be the fault of the teacher, but others are directly by the low priority given to education in our country, because the authorities do not realize the only tool in order to become a developed country is a teacher.
To develop this point we will build on the framework already mentioned, the documentation required by the subject and found others on the web.
competencies to be developed by a teacher are:

Planning courses (known individual and group characteristics of their students, diagnose their training needs, designing the curriculum). To this we mean that the teacher should be organized, not getting to class and do not know what activities to perform on the day or not knowing what course is class. In all schools the situation occurs income students, as not all be at the same level to start the school year, which is why the teacher should make a grading period in which review the contents seen in the previous year that will relationship with those who will be in the current year. Furthermore, for this is that the teacher must make a guideline for what you teach during the year, so the times do not fit properly so happens that the period has not reached to pass a unit, since with this will delay the start of the next year.

addition the teacher must know the characteristics of students with which to start the teaching process, such must behave differently with children than with basic media. Young people go through difficult processes in their teens and have the same behavior in the classroom and when they are smaller.

-Designing teaching and learning strategies (preparing teaching strategies that include motivational activities, meaningful, collaborative, global and applicative and consider the use of New Technologies of Information and Communication ...).

The teacher should select the best way of teaching content that will be in classes, for example can not be passed just as algebra and geometry, the first one learns by doing exercises, and the second issue will be better understood if deal graphical tools (rules on boards, software, modeling clay, etc.).. Is crucial in this respect they start to use new technologies, since students today have less capacity for wonder than before. Some years ago the student took attention because it was written on the board with down and was easily removed, now this is a normal situation, which captures the attention now with electronic whiteboards, work in Power Point, Internet research, etc..
We must also note that not all students learn at the same pace and therefore it is important to find the most appropriate method to teach this group. A good learning is mutual and simultaneous, which applies for many years but no longer valid, since students are interacting with each other to strengthen their knowledge.
The teacher's responsibility is to look for other ways to teaching children to learn more quickly and effectively, this could be through experiments, must accommodate the constant changes so that they work in favor of as well as in teaching how to teach better.
But that is very encouraging despite the use of technology, there is an external factor which does not allow this feature to develop fully. The family and the circle surrounding the pupil, where unfortunately the teacher can not intervene, is one of the main barriers that keep developing the spirit of survival of a child, because if this is embedded in a social system in its context Life will only be raising money in the day to keep your family, remember that most of these clans the parent is not present in the development of their children, and is the largest offspring who must take on this role. So we find the best form of incentive, showing projections, visited universities, so they know what they can achieve by educating yourself and thereby ensure that your family can succeed.

-Find and develop resources and teaching materials (design and management of resources).

The teacher has to facilitate student learning, to which must have different elements, means or resources, which helps to make possible the work of cultural mediation. Such aid of educational materials is any natural or man-made object that produces a significant learning in students. Given that any material can be used in certain circumstances, as a resource to facilitate teaching and learning processes, for example, some stones can work the notions of major and minor with preschoolers. Memorization is a thing of the past.
often happens in schools (aided and municipal) there are very few support materials, ie, there is a slide projector, a map, a computer room, a data, etc. But this is due to lack of management and mismanagement of funds, we are concerned about infrastructure and we do not realize that what is going to school to study.
The MOP and MOE, they break into praise for the construction of new schools, but they do not have the materials to provide fitness education. The bottom line is the bottom, not the form. For all these teachers are disabled to use these devices because they always reserved by others and not enough for all courses. Even some teachers have chosen to buy and own their own data and your notebook in order to make a decent class, but we think this is wrong, which is the ministry which must provide these materials to school.
What should the teacher if we continue like this, is to organize from the beginning of the year the resources used in different units, so book in advance and be able to efficiently perform its class.

-Provide information and manage development while maintaining class order (to inform students of sources of information, objectives, content, methodology and evaluation of the subject that have been previously contrasted). To facilitate understanding of the basic contents.

is necessary so that students can understand the contents to be passed in a chronological order, because it will be much better learning, as they relate to units previously seen. Also crucial for the motivation, activities during the school year for students intending to pose challenges and goals to achieve them after completion period.
The test methodology should include all perspectives, self-evaluation, will evaluate and some made by the teacher. To serve as the analysis for all entities involved in the learning process.

"Engaging students (to encourage the public presentation of some work to do).

The teacher should be able to create a dynamic class, where he is not a speaker in front of a group of listeners, the typical kind of teacher writing on the board must end. The teacher must be competent to achieve interaction and participation of all students.
The classes common case:
"After careful analysis of the behavior of teachers and their students in classes of elementary and secondary education, the researchers found that there are only two types of classroom work, independent of location, age teachers and the conditions of establishment: one is the teacher explanations and questions from the board and the other students work and teacher guide stroll through the posts to deliver individual explanations. Neither of the two methods, depending on the observation of the videos, get motivate students. These are, on average, one question per hour of class time and often happens without anyone feeling curious about what is being taught ".2
All graduates of the school and spent some time for this cause we did not have a desire to study or near us to stay asleep in class, was more important to ask your partner had to week, or how it had happened at the party to pay attention to the teacher.
The following graphs also show that shows the result of class as named in the paragraph in italics.


addition to the lack of motivation student disorders cause him social skills, in the graph above, a total of 141 people, over 75% feel ashamed to participate in classes, then what should we do? The best alternative should be the model for a workshop class where students do not feel obligated to the teacher, but to share knowledge with their peers and have a mutual learning. Only then can the nexus of trust with their peers and may make a more interactive exhibitions, presentation of tasks, go to the whiteboard and more., Without fear of ridicule, important in the classroom environment is that students feel free to ask and resolve questions, present their work and research.

-Ser example of action and bearer of values \u200b\u200b
The teacher must create a good environment for the development of students. A good neighbor is accomplished young instilling values \u200b\u200bsuch as tolerance and respect that are essential for good interaction, especially in this age where teenagers so difficult to seek their identity, going through different styles and customs. That is why to prevent discrimination by some, the teacher must act as an authority and not to impose these values, but these are inherent to the person. One idea to achieve this would be a program of virtues: each month is designated one, such as honesty, the teacher should talk with their students (course advice) about this concept and proposed the challenge in that month everyone will try to be, after this time will be given more recognition to This attitude has permeated his conduct.
a subject of secondary education is guidance, which, as its name says is meant to be guided by "good way" to young people, but what counselors are doing is simply passing a sheet with endless questions (actually all say the same thing with different words in different order) to know how many hours studying, as we watch TV, how we recreate, etc. simply to: SABER, but not do anything to fix it, the most they do is call the attorneys to tell them that their son is studying enough, you do not have good performance, which results in these rebuke to their offspring, but what do they do? Nods to solve this and the next day and they forget. What really should we do if we want to be real teachers to inculcate habits that study is not an obligation but that students are willing to do so.
To achieve a positive attitude towards learning is necessary that the teacher has the competence to encourage students, so that they will propose their own goals according to the interest to learn. For example it will not be the same as a teacher who reaches the classroom and start writing on the blackboard, to one that you welcome their students, they say the contents to see in the day and you will these in daily life. The last thing the child will generate interest to know more investigate on their own, and not be seen only in class, attitude these days is not very common among middle school students, mainly because of lack of motivation.

-Evaluate (formative and summative assessment, promoting student self-assessment and educational interventions).

Evaluation is essential for verification of the powers must be adopted in a given period, this includes both the student and the teacher. Through training
see if the pupil has incorporated the skills that correspond to the subsector (specific knowledge and skills), and if this is not the case must do everything possible to help the teacher to improve this and try to repair it, either through reinforcement (class with teacher outside school hours) or a resource such as books, computer programs, etc., so that when the evaluation of the content is ready and able to overcome all the problems that arise in this test.
The summative, we consider most important, they allow the child disvalue not but make efforts to raise them when he received a note unwanted bring into play the power to overcome and the goals that the student intends to start the school year about the various objectives to be addressed in the school year.
This also deals with the educational intervention, it usually happens in some subjects, usually those that most "scary" children as physics, mathematics and chemistry, most of the course is not a good performance, but not always fault is in the students, but there is a competition that is being developed by the teacher (the different teaching methods) so that learning occurs in all students. For this evaluation are very important and should be present all the points that serve as analysis, to verify learning and if the result is not expected to have a critical need to be able to understand that failing to so develop, encourage creativity (look at other models of education) and achieve self-growth.

-service training (update knowledge and teaching skills, maintain contacts with colleagues and promote cooperation and exchanges ...).

professor have knowledge needed to teach, this is college, but what about those subjects that will be refined over time? Subjects such as biology, physics, chemistry, history, are always vulnerable to change, and therefore the teacher must have the interest to constantly renew and develop their skills and ultimately adapt to new technologies, which are causing more attention students. But what happens now? The MOE makes reinforcements, but not everyone can attend schools not approved by him workdays discounted and do not realize that in reality this is a good for community and not just for the teacher.
also the teacher should make contact with other colleagues to talk about past content in classes and to find a relationship between them, and that knowledge can not be understood if they are not related to prior knowledge or everyday life events , and also to talk about the situation of students who are at risk of repetition, have a family problem, etc..

-Contact with the environment (to know the reality of working to be accessed by students, maintain contact with the school environment).

We tend to think that the teacher is only an agent provides information but this should also be involved with the student's family background, because this can not work in classes, studying, without the support and companionship of these.
Since children are small the family should give habits, both research and conduct, and it is they who influence their lives as adults, but if the teen does not have these teachers must do everything possible to help, instruct, and help you study formulas.
addition the teacher must be competent to guide their students, guide them, and talk about the alternatives the working world they are faced, for these should be informed of the races they are necessities for the country, which are saturated, the most requested, etc.., so that the student has a wide range of alternatives for the way ahead. All this information is obtained by reading newspapers, educational journals, Web pages (as ), visiting universities, including in the company of students, since teachers will get information about seminars ( such as engineering), open doors, take classes as a listener, etc.
On the other hand, if the student's lack of affection, the teacher must do everything possible to reverse it, should support the students, talking to him and his parents so that together we achieve a solution for the benefit of youth.

II. Mathematics teacher's competence.

Once established general competencies with which a teacher must have to perform for his students at the proper and responsible manner, conscious of the great task ahead, to train people with the necessary tools and if be more than necessary to deal with different situations, both business and personal. Now and future teachers of mathematics and computing we need not only for but rather to inform and go from doing a self analysis of the skills we acquire during our training, that way we acquire, either in our study of undergraduate and along our job performance training and further study.

is necessary for the teacher during his undergraduate study to learn more than necessary about mathematics, learn more than to reach a result really learn how it develops and because this suited to address a variety of problem ways and always with a proper foundation, it is also necessary that the teacher knows the origin of what is taught, both scientifically and historically, while the teacher has more knowledge, this reflects in students a confidence in himself and what he teaches, students receive a positive and l see the teacher as an entity of respect and wisdom. It is also necessary that the teacher is being updated constantly, maybe math is not so abundant content to be incorporated in relation to science itself, but every time we see different teaching methods, ones that are becoming obsolete and others who facilitate better understanding and application of this, for example former teachers to teach percentages calculation rules explained a simple "rule of three simple" as now taught under the Fundamental Theorem of proportions, which has more substance to the case, do not need a memory of this but rather an understanding that is what is encouraging in mathematics today.

- Methodology.
Methodology The word comes from the method that stands for "mode or way of doing something" is this sense has the connotation of "procedure." In this case the concern would be "How to Teach Math" in the current context to be understood "how to create learning situations that allow students to learn mathematics. It is necessary first of all create an interest in students, show them that what they study is not in vain and that can have much more connection with reality that they themselves believe, stop using the typical problems of Padrito went to buy fruit, but rather things that students used in their daily lives, such as problems related to Web pages famous TV series of the moment, or anything that they feel closest. They should also use various teaching resources according to class contended, do not fall into the routine so that the student almost guess what you are doing in class, but vary in their resources. Students for example are called more attention to the tangible and physically attractive, being able to use an abacus geometric figures, and delivery of information in an attractive manner when students are bigger you can use computer programs and those who can go to better understanding of mathematics (calibri, derive, etc.), here is where the advantage of Race in Mathematics and Computer Education, which connects the computer and various resources on this for a better understanding of mathematics.

Know how to distinguish which content is appropriate to teach, according wings ages of the students, while being a member rather passive power through prior knowledge, interference and what is being taught today in math, perhaps a deficiency in mathematics is that taking the phrase minimum and comply only with the transmission of these. Unfortunately, very much underestimated the students "from smaller easier." Okay first thing is the basic content, but it is also true that the younger the child, the greater is the ability to incorporate Contents related receptions, during the first cycle of basic education does not go far enough. Maintained even in a single set of numbers, which works against students, because once they learned all about this, and suddenly they change all the rules incorporating New numbers instead of introducing írselos slowly. And also sometimes waste time or spend much time in a successive repetition of formulas and post listings of exercises, which could change, one good explanation and introduction of this new subject to what has been learned in previous units and so show the relationship and consistency in what you learn.


The teacher must first stand out clearly what they want their students to learn and in turn discuss it with them. For this they should seek a fair and balanced display skills acquired by students in the subject, for example in the multiple-choice questions the teacher can measure how fast the student but at the time the caution, thinking the answer and not answer the first thing that pops into your mind, developed exercises serve to see a good application of the procedure rather than obtaining the same result and a word problem, measures the level of understanding and reasoning to a particular problem as to solve not only the application of a formula memorized, but it pose mathematically knowing what is said in words. CONCLUSION

Finally there are various definitions in regard to competencies in the teaching profession, which is why it may differ with the work of other colleagues with respect to this concept, and may also vary depending on the specialty in which they play the teacher. But if we see them as skills and abilities in this profession is where we really take them seriously, as it plays a fundamental role in the development of society, it is in education where they put all the hopes for a person may arise and not necessarily in what they present, but really what you want. Competencies are the concentration of all the needs and knowledge for the proper development of teaching. What mostly interests us are the powers of a Professor of Mathematics and it's like a pattern or guide that tells us where to go and with respect to them we say they are not being fully developed in the universities offering education in these moments, there is a deficit in terms of practices, leading to one is a professor of theory and practice when we all change. This can be solved and that the skills can be developed throughout life, are not unique and impartial within a person, it all depends on what is being proposed.


1. (comportamiento_organizacional)
2. .es/jornadas2008/comunicaciones/3P25.pdf? PHPSESSID = b1a5effd0935cacdac38f7e721c1cce3

Poem About Taking Care Of Baby


Competencia docente

Members: Constance Molina Jerez

Salazar Yasna Llanos

Course: Principles Education II

Teacher: Daniel Neira Troncoso

Section: 6

Delivery Date: 03/11/2008


To begin this report is of great importance to raise fundamental concepts in the study of the skills of the teaching profession, with reference to definitions established by web pages and documents discussed in class, due to its massive recurrence, become the source of collective knowledge, not always being accurate these in your information.

- One of the meanings found on competence is a website massively contested " Wikipedia" that says "A competition is the harmonious interaction of the skills, knowledge, values, motivations, personality traits and skills of each person to determine and predict the behavior that leads to achieving the results or objectives to achieve in the organization.

Within organizations, the skills are used for augmenting the human capital in pursuit of the objectives of the position, area and organization, as well as developing human beings. " 1

If we focus on this definition and connect with reality, we find several conflicts for their development; the first word that we will stop it in "skills" How do you get these? Is in undergraduate education? Unfortunately not, usually the university cares more to deliver the theoretical, to comply with certain hours in the classroom before a teacher, and in instances and close to obtaining the title is given the opportunity of an internship field, which should start from the beginning of the pre-degree, this would be very beneficial since the student can be very good both in their field and in teaching classes that are submitted but time to face against a class that is unable to answer or account that really is neither prepared nor willing to such work , either because they are interested or able to interact with students coming from different socio-cultural class, socioeconomic status, beliefs, etc. All this must go hand in addition to the teachers who prepare these teachers (forgive the redundancy) to be prepared and updated also with regard to what students will face, not believing they should be structured in one way or much less than may carry a class "ideal", but rather must be flexible when faced with different groups of trainees depending on their ages and diversities above.

After alluding to the word definition knowledge, here we find a very well made in FRAMEWORK FOR GOOD TEACHING , which raises the need that the teacher is constantly updating their knowledge, because new findings today in a variety of subjects than in large quantity that was discovered some time ago for several years. The foot stop to this, is that not all teachers are willing or interested in this, some older teachers are not available to make the changes that are occurring because this will mean a greater effort twice. On the other hand unfortunately many young new graduates take the same attitude but not an issue of rejection but simply because they face social pressure decided to study at the university and opted for education (that due to the system of college in our country is devalued, as calls for a relatively low score on the test University Selection) are not always willing do so by calling.

Below is a table that corresponds to the scores of income in the year 2008 at careers in education.

Now, when we speak of values \u200b\u200bto values \u200b\u200b"we mean specifically? If we dedicate ourselves to name values \u200b\u200bwould be an infinite list, so our main interest is to name one that is fundamental and which underpin all the other "respect", as in a classroom will give different situations where the teacher as a person of authority in the classroom should know properly address them, the more conducive environment for the development of a class in a context of respect, that is, the teacher will want to be respected by his students and for this the need to respect them (since no one can claim something that does not practice), for example, at present in children and adolescents is a stream called "urban tribes" which is divided into a wealth of different groups (Pokemon , emos, hair lais, otaku, etc.) different from each other by the music they hear, class, clothing (which most eccentric of all) and even a common language in these circumstances the teacher should know tolerate them and also according to the rules established in the establishment know impose rules of behavior and conduct, but not disqualifying the student, so that the climate of the appropriate class, ie, the teacher can also make your classes and students who do not belong to any "tribe" are not passed to carry and interfered in its activities. Respect for the other also follows from justice, which a professor must be paramount, that's where the teacher must avoid prejudices about their students, also must be fair to the knowledge delivery, should be equal for all not think that one can do more than others and focus only on those who claim fruit, but provide opportunities for all, just as well be in their assessments and all knowledge judged themselves able to recognize when the problem passing through it and not by the students, correcting properly.

The next concept we find in the definition of competition is the motivation, without this feature would not be possible to acquire new skills and, therefore, our progress as individuals would be limited.

Motivation is the basis of excellence, trying to meet the challenges and goals that we set, strive to try to be better every day, not to show the rest but by a self-satisfaction. But how can you motivate a teacher? It is clear that before (when the race not taught in college) teaching was not valued by society, and although now a college situation has not changed enough for a person with a vocation to feel really proud to say: "I want to be a teacher ". The problem is how society values \u200b\u200ba profession, it is true that if we do a survey and asked what work is more important between dentist or a teacher, most would opt to name the first. Because we live in a consumer community, as the name says the most important thing is money, the professions are valued for the economic and not for what they really mean for the country. That is why people are not interested in their ideals, but just having a good financial move, are counted on the fingers of one hand those who defy the law of money and opt for self-fulfillment in what they really like, those are the ones we actually see motivated, on the other side are those who join just to access the university system, they have the attitude of teaching, not all the features that accompany them, patience, dedication, time, and especially calling, the only way this can withstand the weight to be brought a teacher, because it will be twenty-four hours a day, inside and outside the classroom. We believe the main reasons you may receive is to be appreciated for the contribution that the community is through recognition by the government.

On the other hand, the call is moving a teacher, as many of them could make much more money in other jobs, but the desire to help their students is most enriching all the monetary aspect and why they choose this profession. Knowing that your student is an engineer, architect, lawyer, technician, or simply work makes you feel more and more proud of his choice of life. But we can leave aside the money, because they also have to maintain a family and in this respect we must say that very little in proportion to the dedication that must have a teacher to do their work because their schedule does not end after 8 hours, but must review tests, papers, and all that is after school hours.

In last place we will refer to personality traits and skills of each person, this is what makes the difference between some teachers and others, the personality we are very young we're making based on place where we live, perhaps we do our early years as passive actors, receiving what our parents or environment give us, but over the years are our own decisions that forge our character and personality. As for our skills are those things that for one reason or another is easier or we do not always going well in hand with the personality, for example, there are those who have an easier relationship with the students and this may be for its tolerance, joy, charisma, etc. This point is perhaps finally determines each of the aforementioned, because according to our determination, interests and abilities develop the various facets that will make us a competent person to become a teacher.


In the previous section we defined the concept of competition, but what are necessary for a teacher is considered a "good teacher"?. The "attempt" to answer this question was made by the MOE (Ministry of Education), the document called Framework for Good Teaching . say "try" because these are only words, and you can not see what actually happens in practice, where some problems may be the fault of the teacher, but others are directly by the low priority given to education in our country, because the authorities do not realize that the only tool in order to become a developed country is a teacher.

To develop this point we will build on the framework already mentioned, the documentation required by the subject and found others on the web.

Skills to be developed by a teacher are: