- As defined and limited the problem and how they have organized the ideas and knowledge that can be related.
The problem on which work is a problem we perceive not only in school that we visited but throughout our society now is the disengagement that are taking parents through the process their children's education leading to a major motivation of these in their studies . This problem is of real importance, the family is the cornerstone of society, from small our first contact is with our parents, we perceive all of them and so we're going to absorb their ideas and thoughts, values, interests and attitudes. With regard to how parents today are involved with the educational process of their children can be classified into three types: First are the parents present, those who are aware of what happens to your children in any area, especially education, are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, to foster and reinforce respectively, these parents are also aware of the world in which we are dealing that they are ready for their future, show you your options, teach them and give as much as possible ensure that these go ahead, on the other side are absent parents for the work, those who have a wrong notion as somewhat which will make their children happy or what they really more help, these feel comfortable with giving their children, pay for good schools and caring for them, fulfill the role of parents, but this definitely is not the case, third there are those parents are those who definitely do not care about the education of their children, which is usually and unfortunately in the extreme social classes, ie those who have much money and believe it is necessary that his son study for as education is usually associated with money, they think that if you do not need so that they can live peacefully, on the other hand those people on low incomes and who never had more information or who guided them thus repeat this with their children.
The last two mentioned are those that cause demotivation of their children, which is our problem to deal with the first only deliver their children with material goods, then leave the rest to the education system and their own children, if the child is lucky to be in a good establishment, it can receive adequate guidance on the importance of studying, what they need to succeed, though no doubt they can also fall into a kind of rebellion, feeling neglected by their parents. The third type of relationship of parents towards their children's education can even can lead to motivational problems even more difficult to treat because if viewed as just a disregard of their parents this is certainly a difficulty for the child but could be overcome with appropriate help and support as the previous case, but unfortunately when poor parents are thinking in the classified above, these are the transmit to their children, repeating over and over again that they were born under such conditions and not get anywhere trying to change this situation, we say that education is just a privilege for some and not a right of all, which at first instance can bring a child's disappointment with regard to society and if someone is not treated properly, children can be convinced of this and form their own barrier to the expectations they once had. (Note that the ratings of parents in which some class names, it is a generalization of such, but due to the end of the report, try the cases harmful.)
Now, we may not be able to interfere in changing parents but in addressing the shortcomings of the education system, because if the aforementioned harmful situations end up having a negative effect on the student because the school is not made for nothing to intervene, did not play a decisive role here is where we must act to counterbalance these shortcomings in the students present, to resolve concerns, support and show you everything you need, it is no stranger to the family is the cornerstone education but should we stay with her hands folded if this does not work as ideally should? Certainly not, because if things are as they are today is because at some point someone started to close the door to some people, unfortunately divisions were created, at first all was not as it is today, and therefore man has been to create wonders and positive progress has also been created barriers for some, destruction and indisputable problems, so this fix in our own hands and not say "things are as they are." The role of the institution should ideally be viewed in the target area of \u200b\u200bthe same, which is rarely so, everyday we see the guidance as those who help us very limited occasions, such as finance paperwork study, a vocational test which is based on a couple of questions and say what the future of one, which is already a way to limit the students, because the test results you are eligible for ... and already convinced that students can only do certain things, but rather that we can decide, it's okay to show you one for what is most suitable but not pigeonhole them as only fit for ... On the other hand, the counselor can talk and talk for a whole class, but if not deal with each student is very likely that what this says to all interested even half of the listeners, because they can be feel a little unrelated to what this guidance is talking.
- extent we can move forward with our own knowledge and new knowledge need to Solve the problem.
No doubt the intentions of solving the problem of student motivation are many but we need to be truly informed about what the educational system of our country proposed, because one thing is very different seen in the classroom to what is proposed a role, we need to see ministry plans in this regard, this information can be found on the web site career counseling, which is related to the ministry of education in our country. If the deficit is in the programs already in place for this, we must be concerned in finding the most influential factors in student motivation, find articles about it, made by professionals such as psychologists or psychologists, we must worry about the how and when to discuss the issue with students, because it is the same address a problem with a child 18 years which is very difficult to change your vision, talk to a child's education basically constant, we also see the contents of the information and help they deliver in two areas, intellectual and spiritual, the first thing you need is nurturing internally, broaden their perspectives of life, instill core values \u200b\u200bin their lives and feel able to do what they want, taking as the main tool to themselves, on the other side is the practical, his future options or integrated into society and what they need to do what these are proposed, either enter the higher education, work, in whatever order but mostly what they want, we can look inside the work talking with people from different areas, teachers, psychologists, parents and students themselves, seeing it as key to its growth. Practicality is achieved in different universities and other sites related to higher education as UNIVERSIA.
Finally and perhaps most important is to create closer ties between the school and the student's parents, which is fundamental and bring to a more fruitful in motivating students, for this we see the media and instances which account for this.
a) Explain self-study phase.
In the first instance and then make it clear in the previous point things would need to further progress based on backs and in a responsible manner, we see such as the division of activities, so this may be as follows:
- Finding information on the Internet, books, newspapers, documents, and that information concerning the programs already established by the MOE about the student orientation.
- Finding topics that may help to guide the student in their personal, this may be through the network and through of professionals engaged in this role in educational development (interviews).
- European all practical material (higher education, funding, working life) the student must acquire.
- surveys parents, students and teachers to know the reality of the relationship between these three entities.
Finally according to the abilities of each member of the group are assigned the tasks.
b) Determination of tasks distributed and who were responsible for carrying them out.
The tasks for each member are as follows are:
- Yasna Salazar Search all information related to the government and its plans in place for vocational guidance, in addition to talking with guidance about what she does and perceives about these plans, the feasibility of the mode,. In short the compiler of the objective, and we can not do anything without this base.
- Contanza Molina: search and inquiry on issues of personal training, inquire about the different realities that students face today in order to discuss professionals about the proper way to treat them, plus basic criteria must be established under the values \u200b\u200bto be passed on to students, with the help of counselors.
- Romina Venegas: Finding practical information in several areas: requirements for admission to higher education, both academic and financial requirements of the workplace, quality of various educational institutions and is also necessary to inform the students what they require to stay in what they want, not just focus on one income but in a subsequent durability.
- Maria Jose Medina: Conducting interviews with the main entities involved in the problem we are dealing with and the education system in general: students, teachers and family, referring to what they perceive and perform according to their roles.
- Comparison what we knew about the problem before and after starting work.
We as students recently graduated from high school, we witness how little or nothing to do school for the vocational guidance of pupils, for worrying of motivation these and help them. The guidance does not comply with more than mere formalities, vocational testing and occasionally talks in one or another university that offers to be made known.
After researching the various parties, we have seen that what the ministry offers is very limited, we only find "support network", as what is done in the classroom, nothing is the same in most of the school if not all there is a subject called "guidance" which is destined to one to two hours a week, what happens in these hours? Mostly anything related to student motivation and career guidance to this, is frustrating to see how time is wasted because even an hour certainly can not solve the world if we add and we will add that there are several the wasted hours. On the other hand we saw that some of this included the parents, the answer was no, the only instance of closeness to parents are the guardians meetings, usually intended for the delivery of letters, to discuss matters of a financial nature and over the behavior, but there is no systematic teacher-proxy confrontation, much less a custom.
We realize the importance of staff training are of great concern that education is little emphasis placed directly at the level of programs we are only with those focused on drug prevention and recent students of secondary education and also during our visit to the school could say that the closest thing to a spiritual formation that we see are acts almost involuntary transfer of securities through certain behaviors, aware or not able to absorb students.
After watching, we have seen research we can see that everywhere there are regulations for the peaceful coexistence within the facility, but that is solved by writing this in a regulated and then punish those who do not meet these, it really is necessary is that since small values \u200b\u200bare instilled respect, loyalty and above all very well to clarify the concept of freedom, because some people grow up hearing about this and its importance, but the important thing is that know how to use, facilities must conform not only to provide tools not teach above all use.
Here there was a before and after the initial perception because continued as is, without doubt with regard to academic information regarding universities is extensive in all schools, as well as financing options and also against Work Choices, the deficit in the preparation is done to the students for their persistence in both media, and what these mean really .
then as mentioned above and in conjunction with the survey results we could propose the following solutions to the problem of student motivation, which is presented in a program as the first great flaw we found was the lack of one set, the name of the program is related to the role that really meet the educational establishments, provide the necessary tools and further education students use, without neglecting, without looking at this record, no prejudice, only with expectations high and hope for the future:
orientation program.
This program is conducted for students of all classes and social realities, whatever their expectations of life, it is necessary that children feel responsible for their future assets, the idea is to encourage all students to self-improvement and obtaining their ideals, to show them how important they are to themselves, their studies and the society in which they are immersed.
- The development personal.
- need to be made from small recreational various workshops, first learn to share with their peers, using these instances to the delivery of securities, on the other hand get to know all areas from small in which they can develop, clearly discover what your skills and what skills need to work harder.
- Make them see from small diverse realities, through community activities, it is not good for children to get into a bubble, this would lead to subsequent disappointment rejection, wonder about the unknown.
- Counseling should show through teaching materials that they are close to the students ways of life that can lead to understand and discern what is necessary for healthy living and correct.
- The schedule for orientation classes should be well used by group activities that help personal and group knowledge, in addition to create links of trust between the partners themselves and between students and teacher and / or guidance, for ease in detection and a possible problem.
- regular meetings between teacher and attorney personal interviews in which the agent is placed on top of the educational process of their child.
- To acquaint students with the options both in the workplace, not isolating options, giving lectures with professionals in various fields for 3 goals, know what they really perform so that they have the freedom conscious to choose, know the requirements for entry and know the requirements needed for a good performance.
- With regard to higher education, there three points:
a) financing: To acquaint the students finished all financing options that the state gives them, so that this does not become the reason not to continue in higher education.
b) Requirements: Report on the college selection process in our country, its assessment structure, content requirements, including universities that are taught, which are very different, they differ each other in the requirements.
c) Permanence: Show realities of university students or technicians through testimonies, so that students come into close contact and can answer your questions in time with respect what is really being in college.
B How do we determine what new information we need? and Pegunta remained unresolved?
One question that certainly we have no gun is, who are responsible for the poor quality of the guidance given to pupils, teachers and Ministry of Education? This is a difficult question to answer, is something that is not paper or anything, is one of those secrets that only the truly involved know and even worse if those involved are to be both is even more difficult for an immediate solution because it never is accused, and that if a party claims and know that perfection does not comply to themselves, fearing a reprimand after so silent, seeing as the only losers are the students, but they make are that mediocrity, losing only by caring honest employment and with the excuse of "everyone does it" silly excuse.
C. Review of work to avoid errors when working on other situations.
For the development of this work we had to focus purely on the student's future as a problem, especially in the educational field may include other areas, we were mainly moved students who, as mentioned in the first phase does not have parents at his side, so that the setting plays a key role in these. He could not turn very afraid or made to the family environment nor teachers cover the main thing was the motivation of students and you need to fix this.
- develop concepts
Motivation: Motivation is made up of all the factors that may cause, sustain and direct behavior toward a goal.
In example of hunger, of course we have a motivation, since it causes the behavior is to fetch food and also maintains that is, the more hungry you are, we will move more directly to the appropriate satisfier. If we are hungry we go to food, ie motivation leads us to meet the need.
Motivation is also considered as the impulse that leads a person to choose and take action between those alternatives that are presented in a given situation. Indeed, the motivation is related to the impulse, because it effectively provides a collective effort aimed at achieving the objectives company, for example, and pushes the individual to the continuing search for better situations to be professionally and personally, and integrating into the community where its action becomes meaningful.
The strongest impetus is survival in its purest form when we struggle for life, followed by the reasons that derive from the satisfaction of primary and secondary needs (hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, security, protection. Etc. .).
Family: The family is a group of people united by kinship, either by blood, marriage or adoption who live together for an indefinite period of time. Is the basic unit of society.
currently stands nuclear or conjugal family, which consists of father, mother and children unlike the extended family including grandparents, fathers, uncles, cousins, etc.
in this family are met basic needs of people, such as eating, sleeping, eating, etc.. You can lavish love, affection, protection and prepares children for adult life, working with their integration into society.
family union says its members emotional stability, social and economic. This is where you learn early to talk, to listen, learn and develop their rights and duties as human beings.
Freedom: "is the state of the person who is not a slave and therefore has the power to do something for itself, on its own initiative." According to the conceptualization of Aristotle, MartÃnez (op. cit.) States: "Freedom is based on the notion of finality or natural human tendency that leads to happiness." This representation made by free and voluntary actions that are not due to coercion, or ignorance. When analyzing the relationship between socialization and individual freedom, said that in the socialization process each person develops their own individuality and freedom, because in the course of the socialization process, each one develops a sense of identity and the ability to think and act independently.
D. Set behaviors that can be extrapolated to new problems
As mentioned in Section C of this phase we focus on the student and the damage to this, but this problem may be related to two other problems, making it clear in the question left unresolved, we create a focused plan in guiding the students, but to achieve this is where they fall issues of teacher quality and the control of government, it first has to do with the implementation of the program and the interest of the professional and the second passes through the government's control over what happens in the classroom, the worry that the programs are met and in turn the quality of what is adequate professional.
A. group evaluation as to their ability to solve the problem.
The group fortunately had a good organization, first and most importantly we clearly state the problem and we work all in obtaining the same end, each fulfilled its role set and from the beginning think of a motivation program, planning is certainly not and some experts, the structure may have details, but it has unquestionably are the key points to consider, first of all we learn well, because clearly the agenda items are brief and general, but in order to reach these points we first if they were feasible to perform. deficiency was at first to order the ideas and concerns to focus on a single problem, or lack of motivation, because as we saw would be easier to see more problems associated with this. In short, our assessment is positive, and we did a full confrontation with the problem, ending the sources we had at our disposal.
B. Foreground.
learned that the school if the request can be a real support for students is incalculable the good that it can provide if he tries, just enough to worry about the different realities, if we care to motivate students at the right time can provide many disastrous situations often led by students who feel frustrated or misunderstood. On the other hand saw a fact we all know but not enhanced, which all have aptitude for some things more than others and how valuable it may be starting to detect early, not only limited to certain areas or certain types of criteria, but dabbling in the creative teachers can make students from small fully known themselves, their flaws and virtues, to start accepting. Strive to improve those things that are difficult but do not fall into feeling useless, working and self-esteem and personality of students can overcome many barriers.
C. Additional activities proposed by the group to supplement their learning.
Once we do the orientation, we come from the same school where the guidance which we visited to show it and give us your opinion on the points we cover, agreed, and the point but she was struck by the persistent intention was to include parents in the educational process, says that what she meant was that what students wanted most was to see his parents as far as possible, especially for grades, behavior or for the simple attitude of rebellion, we explained that we were looking at us not as students but as future teachers education and according to what we have experienced, read and researched, mostly read during this time, the family was the cornerstone, and she actually believed that if children students achieved a good relationship with their parents this would so in the future. Also ask permission to re-enter the classroom, but this time not as mere spectators but as college students willing to resolve concerns, this is part of a point in our orientation program and although we are aware that things are not solved in a time, we wanted to put into practice as far as possible our own idea, which was very successful because apart from listening to much attention, asked a lot, is interested, we talked, which means two things: if there weaknesses in this area and that the only feasible solution is needed to get to work.
D. As assumed direct responsibility in the search aimed at understanding and solutions to the problem.
responsibility was well taken, we incur a lot with your problem and we knew there was something unattainable, it was only necessary to put attention on it, our proposals will not be the most innovative but if carried out, we are confident that things would be different. That was why then seek feedback on our problem, we criticize the ineffectiveness on this issue so it was that we consider relevant cereal carrying out as possible our own project. Also do not take it as merely a job and the conformábamos us by simply obtaining information, the idea to raise a real problem of education was also a work accordingly, taken seriously. In short, the problem-based learning which involves us more fully and somehow gives us power to make changes to certain things to consider a little weak, is very productive and also helps us in the course of its implementation to the knowledge of their own shortcomings and advantages we have against a particular issue, makes us see things that still need to see that clearly does not know everything and that even is the same one knows anything or agree to a topic, however we hope that should matter, and that as future teachers, not only what is important is that students learn math or appropriate specialty, not just focus on that , means that neither we nor our students are complete or will be, and that much less we confine ourselves to think clearly there are tasks of guiding the school, while we can help we should.
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