When I saw this picture I thought of the reality that thousands of people in the country and the world, while some people are born with luck and everything to your disposion to do what they want, but often not seize, there is a large majority of whom do not have everything at your disposal, I am in favor of that one is forming its own way and if you fight for what you can get, but certainly not all can do alone, something as one is exposed paideia incerta in a community. For me the basic pillar of all is the family, one may not have many means, but if you have parents who since childhood we transmit important values \u200b\u200bas respect, responsibility, and many more, we are delivering ia great tools for your life not always the most important are the material goods that we deliver, for example, much of college students today study scholarship, so you could say that we educate ourselves through nuestris efforts, no doubt, but I'm connencida without a lot of my family entragdas nu have been possible, they taught me the importance of education, of many things but above all supported me, but what about those that also means not having no one to support or incentive? What if instead have someone to discourage or remove the wings? these children if they need help from society, state, need to show them they can consider whether it proposed, which can be overcome, should be able to see a glimmer of hope ...
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