1 Why people are naturally inclined to engage in education?
The people are naturally inclined to engage in education because it is inherent to man, and undoubtedly vital need. From earliest times, man has had to meet various needs, for example the need for food, primitive man look for ways to hunt or find food, to show these forms to their children to learn and so on, so it is with every need Basic, as these techniques become more efficient with the work of an entire community, so go with a better quality of life in every area, because without doubt, the development and the needs of people just do not obey physical or superficial issues, man in turn had to learn to nurture and preserve its spirit, as much it food, shelter or living in a nice place, nothing would have been possible without the education of it, perhaps this is the point that marks difference between these peoples and others, for this is that every man who wants to survive must practice some form of education , even in the simplest aspect of life.
2 What is the basic principle of education?
The basic principle of education is that the physical and spiritual uniqueness of man to remain and prosper, now we are in a world where many things are provided to us, we meet our basic needs and even for these are different ways to do this, but what will have been always the same? No, over time man has had to create practices that allow you to survive, when the first men, they lived together all of nature, or with the animals, well the man could have been mimicking each more time with them, and adaptation may not have been very good, because man is not made for the same purpose as other animals, then the first men highlighted their differences and they behaved like superior beings, exploiting their advantages, both in its body as in the mind, developing more and more their intellect, their spirit, their cultures and their body.
3 What is the role of conscious will and human reason?
Conscious will and human reason play a fundamental role in educational process, since the efficiency of this depends crucially on two things. The reason, for its part, is that which makes us think and realize that things are necessary for our training, which practices take us to a development and even to overcome ourselves, once you think about it, we must realize and actually propose it, that's where it enters the conscious will, we call free will to decide to do something, the desire to do so, and the conscious will is much more important, as from the will that we have do something, we realize what we must do to do and what we do, not staying well only with the thought or desire, but take it out, knowing that only then will reach the desired goal, taking into account its benefits and disadvantages, education gives us the tools to make these decisions, when one is aware of something and we can reasonably say that what does the consciousness and makes his own will, which is not fooled or carried away by others, and instead when someone does not have full knowledge of something, usually carried away by the majority, since you can not say much about it.
4 What is the nature man?
Man's nature is dual, ie has a physical and spiritual structure, which should be complementary between the two for a man to be complete and can be developed, that is, one does not may worry more than one than the other, both are very important, only one is like the cornerstone of our life, spirit, this is what leads to higher growth, based on this we we live in life and behave with the rest, having very clear about our values, our thinking and how they should act in life, respecting our freedom and that of others, you could say that at the end of everything the only thing left is this, if you grow and care with such force that it can not be damaged, while our body is exposed more easily to change, from one day to another this can cause an accident and completely change but our spirit will remain intact, but I can not say that the body is not important, somehow this is our letter, but unfortunately sometimes prejudice wrong according to our appearance, often this reflects the way we are, how we care ourselves. Both areas of man can be strengthened even more, if not born in a certain way, whether spiritual or physical, we can develop or have certain skills we can be refined to improve ourselves, everything depends on the willingness to have one to achieve certain things.
5 What is the life force that works in education?
vital force that acts in education is the will, this is the driving, move any organization or educational activity, the willingness to grow, wanting to get something and grow. It is vital because it is like the engine, which leads us to create because things are not only in thoughts or theories, but in practice, going beyond, not before time limit but rather, to realize that we can and only need to be aware of the things needed for a certain order and start them, if necessary, by some sacrifices, but finally succeeding.
6 Is education an individual property?
No, education is not an individual property, on the contrary its essence is tied to the community, very few, not to say that no person who can develop and be formed without the participation of community, for example, if someone were abandoned when small a completely isolated from any society, perhaps this can survive and gradually be creating ways to survive, eat, but only his body would develop if I had to face the world, people, chances are he does not know because I could not relate to people, I could not behave, it would not even aware of the required values \u200b\u200bon the coexistence, would have to adapt suddenly, and not only provided in relation to the community, education is made for this, for training of people of integrity, which together come to full prosperity.
7 How to print the individual character of the community members?
The community character is printed clearly on each of its members, this is what determines that is what each individual will grow and will develop, is this the same as which means that there are different cultures and maintained over time, those from small teach their members certain beliefs, customs and direct what these learn, for example, the Eastern cultures distinguishes us in a variety of things, their laws, their gods, their language, and even thought about specific issues, these are concerned with small to tell your children that their God is Allāh , that women should cover their faces or be frowned upon, that men can have several wives, in short, things are shaping his character and do things the same way as the rest of his people, for example if an Arab born elsewhere purchase may not be the same way, because it is not that he was born a certain way, but the community around the molding is in some way. Also we go from small to school, where they teach us things in a predetermined curriculum that the government believes that is what we learn, because it is where they want to guide our lives. In short, each community is what sets them interested in maintaining and transmitting and where they want to walk.
8 In which rests the structure factors of the community?
The structure of the community rely on the rules and laws that protect, and not necessarily written but rather established as a basic living healthy and normal. Every community grows and is maintained by these rules, such as respect for the lives and safety of self and others, it is clear that one can not go beating people, much less killing them, no doubt, that any regulations These unfortunately are also transgressed, but still remain standards, because according to them is that a community is maintained, based on the rules and laws that protects first man and the community itself.
9 Why states: Education is always the product of the living consciousness of a rule governing a human community?
This is stated because education is made possible by certain rules, if everyone were walking by without worrying about anything or anyone, could not carry mostly education, education emerges and gives good results whenever they are aware of certain rules and respect the rules guide us and focus within certain parameters required, must have a solid base of the foot that this is done without this education will die in the attempt or simply not endure.
10 Explain: Education participates in the life and growth
Education is what enables a company to remain live and grow, with education (when good) is always progressing along our whole life we \u200b\u200bare in a standing practice of this, many people treats education by attending an accredited institution, whether it's college, university, etc, we not only educate us when we are in direct contact with a teacher, education is everywhere and especially in our home and in life itself, helps us live better, develop, and so freely do what we want. Finally, when each member of a society are educated in one or Otherwise, these all contribute to society to live better and thrive.
Discuss 11 which are valid values \u200b\u200bfor a society
valid values \u200b\u200bfor a society are those who can not swindle, those that take us above all a good human quality, for example, respect, this is fundamental in the life of a society, can lead to all our life, beginning with respect and accept oneself, and we respect each other, what they think, what you feel, your body, your life purpose. The respect we also leads to tolerate diversity, to accept the different cultures. We must respect what the other, that leads to such non-stealing, because they hurt the other and likewise we're hurting ourselves by practicing things that do not lead to anything good. With respect society and has a sustainable basis, which may be followed by honesty, a value that helps us a lot in life, the generosity, courage often only attributed to the material, not that this type of generosity is important, but can also have a generosity of spirit, give love, understanding or what the other person needs one, putting in place for this in order to understand how necessary it may be something to this. In addition to the aforementioned values, I believe that humility is another very important value, this makes us always with your feet on the ground, not believe us superior to others and stop looking at the simple things in life, makes us happy, enjoy and never lose the joy, because it lacks this value, so believes that he sees nothing more than welcome, nothing makes you happy and you compare, we also hurting other people with an air of superiority rather than using our talents or advantages for the sake of others.
12 What happens when there is dissolution and destruction of norms in a society?
The dissolution of the rules in a society produce everything falls apart, is like losing the lead, day by day we see as we consider basic rules for coexistence are passed to carry, for example within the rules or laws is not to attack their neighbor, much less kill, but little by little respect for others has been lost, leading people start to abuse or murder. All this happens because of the instability valid standards for a society, because this rather than education and society itself must adapt to the times, should always be accepting new things and leaving others, such as in ancient times was forbidden many things everyday and well today accepted by us, but there are certain values \u200b\u200bas those mentioned in the previous question that you can not change all the time, that should keep its essence intact. But little by little, begin to move to take some basic, begin to destroy the rules, for example, if you are losing respect, also began to kill another person, stealing, but this is made even worse when we see that nothing is done or even worse when the same people who run a society begins to fail, it's like a mother who is a thief, ask your child not to steal, it takes almost as something worth stealing. Constance
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