Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reptile Misting System Malaysia

review the first episode of Extras by Scott Westerfeld

Como todos muchos ya sabéis Montena saca el 21 de Enero a la venta Extras de Scott Westerfeld , tercer libro de la trilogía saga de los feos.

Para que a los fans de la trilogía saga se les pongan los dientes largos nos dejan el primer capitulo, pinchad

Aquí os dejo la ficha de Extras

Titulo: Extras
Author: Scott Westerfeld
Label: Montena
Collection: They
Age: After 15 years
Price: 15.95
Number of pages: 416
Publication Date: January 21

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Zimbra Incoming Mail Server Setup

new and final home for sapphire

seems they have decided to wash her face to the English home of Sapphire that will ultimately be the

Title: Sapphire

Author: Kerstin Gier

Collection: They

Age: from 12 years

Format: 150 x 215 mm .

Language: Castilian

Pages: 400

PVP.: € 17.95

Published: February 18

This cover replaces that matched the first Ruby book

Although I personally still prefer the original , the first order I have it the circle of readers because they have kept the original cover ...

What do you think the new cover?