Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Para Que Sirve El Viavox En Tabletas

Mineduc opens nominations fellowships abroad
Santiago, June 23, 2008

"This is the first experience particularly aimed at training graduate students in career technical level of technical training centers and professional institutes, an initiative that seeks to strengthen the skills of technical graduates in the country. So far everything had been university, therefore, we are taking a very important turn. The MOE is you telling the boys and girls in this country worth studying technical courses, vocational courses, which they consider Chile needs those races, "said Education Minister Monica Jimenez.

Interested parties may apply from today until July 7. The scholarship will cover all costs associated with the program for a period of one year, and includes airfare, total coverage in the facility fee, accommodation, meals, travel, insurance and personal assistance.

destination countries for 2008 are Australia, Canada and the Basque Country (Spain).

"This year will send a total of 150 students abroad. This initiative comes at a cost of about one billion pesos. In Canada, the study areas are mining, food, tourism, aquaculture, finance and health. In Australia are mining, renewable energy, tourism, hospitality, and financial services. And in the Basque Country comes to hospitality, tourism, engineering, renewable energy, maintenance, administration and finance, "said Mónica Jiménez.

Secretary of State also recalled that this scholarship program is part of the announcement by the President of the Republic in his Presidential Message 21 May. You may find more information and apply at: www.tecnicosalextranjero.cl The results will be announced in late July.

extends deadline for scholarships is PSU 2008

As one of the announcements made by President Bachelet during his presidential address, the Minister of Education confirmed that Junaeb extended the deadline for students currently enrolled in the fourth medium in municipal and subsidized private schools, can register to pay the University Selection Test (PSU) 2008 for free.

The special session began on Friday May 20 and ends Friday July 11. By the way, Secretary of State recalled that access to this benefit those interested should register necessarily. "It is not automatic. Can not reach to the PSU saying 'I want to give the PSU. " Must register, "said Mónica Jiménez.

far, already more than 169 000 registered students to take the PSU 2008 free. Of these, 45.8% from municipal schools and 54% of subsidized private. The remaining percentage is for students who leveled their studies.

For more information and apply for the scholarships, students must enter
www.junaeb.cl or www.demre.cl

of Agreement with France

Early Jiménez Minister also signed an agreement with the Embassy of France that will benefit students and alumni of the university related to agronomy.

"Next year might be able to leave to study for two semesters in France. We consider there is total value here and studying here has total value there, because it is double degrees. Then, for an agricultural engineer Chile Chile have both a title and one French is very encouraging, "said Jimenez.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

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government says approval of the Education Act despite severe

official division

After intense negotiations between the government and the Coalition, the political committee had to agree to sign a new agreement to save the LGE. Tomorrow is expected that President Bachelet signs a commitment to pro-government MPs to send a parallel project on public education.


lived a key day in Congress, after the floor of the House of Representatives began discussing the draft General Education Law (LGE).

The debate in Congress Hall and the negotiations were marked by the division of the Coalition MPs, who until late have expressed their rejection of the draft submitted by the Government, including indication of coeducation agreed with the Alliance . You joined the refusal to the initiative of teachers in the galleries of the House and the massive student demonstrations simultaneously in Valparaiso and Santiago. While

after intense and hectic efforts, the government managed to field only the members of the Coalition to approve the idea of \u200b\u200blegislating the initiative, the day was marked by rejection expressed by sections of the ruling calling for withdrawing the utmost urgency, and all the more immediate discussion with the Executive surprised at midday to allow the entry of more indications ", the rejection of the vast majority of deputies to the indication consensus between the government and the Alliance.

After the first hours of debate, the government had deployed a strong lobby in Congress, understood that the probability that there was not the 68 votes needed to pass the bill was quite high, although the 53 deputies UDI and RN support it - so it required an emergency meeting between the political committee, the Presidents of the Coalition parties and the heads of bed to save the project.

The tense luncheon meeting, where even the views advocated at times raising his voice, ended with the commitment of the members of the Coalition to approve the idea of \u200b\u200blegislating the project LGE, but with the proviso that tomorrow sign a new agreement between President Michelle Bachelet and the ruling to send in the coming weeks a bill - parallel to the LGE-to address public education.

also left leeway for parliamentarians to vote according to conscience the various indications to be presented to project including that the consensus reached with the Alliance Executive and aroused the rejection by the government bloc.

"is the commitment of all of the Coalition MPs to vote on the idea of \u200b\u200blegislating the reform (...) for the indication of the Chairperson (agreed with the Alliance) each parliamentary vote in conscience, but I repeat the call for parliamentarians of the coalition supporting the president, "said Viera-Gallo, unable to align all deputies of the government behind the project.

After noting the agreement between pro-government MPs and the government, the Alliance Viera-Gallo required to give a list with votes is able to ensure to pass the controversial indication. It was learned that the government could only secure 18 votes pro-government (8 of the DC, 6, and 4 PS PPD). Which added to the 53 of the Covenant should be sufficient to approve the initiative.

The division of the coalition against the initiative remains in doubt until the last minute, the victory of the education agreement signed with their hands up the President, the ruling party and the Alliance late last year and also to many within the ruling sets a precedent, since the project be approved with the votes of the right and a divided coalition and opposition mainly to the initiative, causing severe strained relations between the currency and the Coalition.

Meanwhile, tomorrow is expected that eventually the House vote on the project from 13.00. If approved the initiative passes to the second step in the Senate.

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When I saw this picture I thought of the reality that thousands of people in the country and the world, while some people are born with luck and everything to your disposion to do what they want, but often not seize, there is a large majority of whom do not have everything at your disposal, I am in favor of that one is forming its own way and if you fight for what you can get, but certainly not all can do alone, something as one is exposed paideia incerta in a community. For me the basic pillar of all is the family, one may not have many means, but if you have parents who since childhood we transmit important values \u200b\u200bas respect, responsibility, and many more, we are delivering ia great tools for your life not always the most important are the material goods that we deliver, for example, much of college students today study scholarship, so you could say that we educate ourselves through nuestris efforts, no doubt, but I'm connencida without a lot of my family entragdas nu have been possible, they taught me the importance of education, of many things but above all supported me, but what about those that also means not having no one to support or incentive? What if instead have someone to discourage or remove the wings? these children if they need help from society, state, need to show them they can consider whether it proposed, which can be overcome, should be able to see a glimmer of hope ...

Welcome Speech For Annual Day Wikipedia

interesting visit to the school

Hello good for those who have the time I leave this link for things to always bear in mind ......


Monday, June 16, 2008

Ants Are Attracted To Fac

Members: María José Medina

Molina Venegas Yasna Romina Salazar


The school, an institution belonging to the municipal educational system our country, provides education to 1300 students from preschool to high school.
As a girls' school, you may hear a special relationship between students and between those with their teachers, which can be good and in turn detrimental to the educational process, perhaps the fact that the uniqueness sex, make girls look almost like sisters, and in turn see the teachers and parents of this family, as in a parent-child relationship between teachers often are vulnerable to her students, without rigidity or differentiation of roles within the establishment, the students themselves have a lot of confidence with their peers and teachers, which favors certain situations, such as the treatment of conflicts within or outside the classroom, exposing your ideas clearly and feel your teacher nearby to ask for help without fear of either knowledge or another. However, this trust can often be passed away by the students, misunderstood by others, and worse still badly managed by the teacher.


main objective of the school.

Clearly the school's main objective is certainly to train their students both the intellectual and personal, in partnership with parents. What actually happens? not enough to a good intention or to take this as a perspective of education, since many times it becomes only a beautiful phrase and nothing more, leaving aside the merits and importance of this.
One aspect not very favorable for this process is the remarkable little closeness of director with the students, this certainly makes things a bit, the director must be based within the school. Teachers unanimously reported often lack resources to carry out their classes and likewise motivate their students, if the director was connected more with the students could see for himself the interest and need to learn with them, which that would try to one or another way to improve teaching methods in turn could include teachers and work together, because it's easy to get to a meeting of teachers and demand results, ensure compliance with this program and tax criticize what is wrong or not done, but if connected with reality, understand the difficulties that are presenting certain activities and emerging needs on the road.
not the only school to worry about the education of students, but parents also play a fundamental role, no doubt that this issue is a major determinant in the growth of students and

unfortunately is not always as it should, today is not unusual to see parents a little distanced from their children, this is due to the society in which we live, a society led to consumerism and personal growth just as in the economic sphere, many parents misunderstand what is give a good quality of life for their children, sacrificing valuable time in family life, losing key stages and processes of this, because they only want to give money and "a good education for them is limited only to pay a good school, being comfortable with this, when this is not fundamental A student may be in a bad school, but if you have a parent behind that support, encourage and convey the basics of personal growth, showing how capable they are to overcome and achieve what they want if they propose, then Students will go ahead, while a student is in a good school and not have parents at his side, has no one to teach you basic things who do not appreciate all that is available to succeed.

How do you expect the school to achieve your goal?

The school hopes to achieve its goal in several ways, first of all the personal development of students, teaching psychology workshops for students in need, either because of problems of learning in the classroom or personal problems detected by the teacher, but unfortunately the target is not met because the school is only concerned to comply with a plan might set up by the ministry of education, then place the professional available to students and that they met the target by, but mostly do not care really to take effect in the students or what really is in the classroom, this part wrong, they were not even delivered to the students
information about this or to motivate them so they are aware of what is to be achieved and how significant it can be for them, so the students attend without any interest, do not put attention and in turn, the caregiver is a person outside the school, perhaps not suitable for help, because even he has a strong connection with the students and the students with this, then there is more than a compliance assistance from the students and to meet the professional schedule, ignoring the true sense of the workshop. Where the school
can perhaps guess in relation to student development program is in extra workshops that help them cope and get away from problems that may be going through as well, if we look at the positive side of the close teacher-student relationship that arises in the classroom, students can rely on teachers and teachers can use this weapon for the benefit of students, as they may try to give examples through their actions or life experiences, this being a means of transmitting values \u200b\u200band skills needed for your life.
now in the intellectual, the establishment within the scientific quality of humanist, prepares the necessary skills to be acquired by students to enter the higher education system of our country, depending on the interests of these, you can guide the humanistic or scientific side, unfortunately, like all schools are only concerned with the preparation for the University Selection Test and a high average secondary school, regardless of whether the students really come prepared. Today, schools are being measured by the results obtained in the PSU or SIMCE, focusing purely on this, each school receives from the outset which program should be guided, aimed at preparing students deeply into knowledge, while PSU has a basic knowledge requirement, and as Professor currently being evaluated by the results of their students, just pass this content, just for entering a college education and do not provide tools so that they remain in this, as a glance at school has been linked with PSU, then the student is responsible for its future, separating and setting it afloat student's future.
So that individual and social situation is forming the school to students?
The school is preparing students for that graduating from high school, can cope in a positive way in society, using the amounts purchased, both at school and at home, such as liability, if the student graduated with this value acquired property can satisfy both the university and what it intends to do if the student wants to work properly and will comply with well qualified, another very important value is respect, because it is fundamental to be inserted in a society, without this value is very difficult relationship with the community that is aware of their liberty and freedom of others, without trampling on others, as the saying goes "One's freedom ends when it begins the other "

How and by that activity relates to the community college?

As we saw some time in the "paideia" for the development of a person is essential to be aware of the importance of community, an individual can not and should not be concerned only with its growth, it is necessary to develop with and for society. For this, the school placed in direct contact with the students with different social, when a student of this facility is in trouble of various kinds, it helps as far as possible, doing charitable work to help financially, so they can relieve either otherwise the problem presented by the student.
school also connects them to what is found after school, taking them to visit universities or colleges, to have knowledge so they can freely choose what they want done in the future.
Perception of students and teachers.
Being in contact with students and teachers perceive relationship dissatisfaction in many areas, first at a more superficial level perhaps we shall refer to infrastructure, which made it very difficult to develop the classes, the school has with a few rooms and these are small, easily meeting the educational process, as well as audiovisual or other resources that could improve teaching methods are not sufficient and cost to access them, causing dissatisfaction and demotivation

school community. This is due to mismanagement funding for education, here is where it arises and it shows the problem of a somewhat absent director, this benefit does not care about their students, makes remiss view of what happens, this does not claim priority for their personal interests before of trying to change somewhat the situation in his school, he is more comfortable sitting there, thinking that's not his fault, he can not do anything without taking responsibility for what happens in school, but at the bottom is the lead manager and connector with the authorities of municipal educational system, respective.
On the other hand, not all students are interested in entering higher education, which shows perhaps a weakness of delivery of opportunities for students, because many times they are not interested in the study because they think they can do it, it shows a deficit in the delivery of information regarding scholarships and loans granted to the state, today there are many possibilities for those wishing to study, if you really propose it, they can achieve. On the other hand the misperception that we have about technical education in our country, leading to overcrowding of professionals that even end up working on things not very related to what they studied, but is valued more technical courses, there would be greater demand for these, and students would be more job options.


Well, as mentioned above, the purpose of college is to train people of integrity, an ideal long thought by the Greeks in The Paideia, it is essential that any educational institution that is raising goal, but in Once it is sad to see that not all meet this, that's where we could refer to for-profit institutions, a for-profit institution is not necessarily bad, it is important to effectively comply with the service (in this educational case) that offers many non-profit institutions that meet its quality educational offering, luring parents that confident and often with the belief that local schools are not good, strive to have the money to fund an institution that think that being particular is better than others.
The key in any educational process is the transmission of values, it is important that students feel as himself and see layers interact in a world as diverse as ours, with clear ideas and principles, which do not alter the external inferences ideals or values, to remain steadfast, fighting for what he believes and wants, so firm that is not vulnerable to various bids submitted to it on the road.
On the other hand, the powers received by the students are determined by what they expect from them, clearly if they are in a scientific and humanistic school will not immediately prepared to work with technical skills, but to enter higher education. Now, the school may deliver many things, but if students do not take them properly, do not realize that everything is in your hands, so the school can do so is void. As shown
Theory of Reproduction "the prospect of future of students is conditioned by the social environment in which it is" because, for example, if the student is in a family where the parents were not able to fully complete their education, it has no greater prospect of life because they know no other Actually, they are unrelated to other opportunities and continue with the circle of his more familiar surroundings.
is displayed better in a realistic environment, in municipal schools have the advantage of no-show what you can say "being in a bubble they are in a connected environment in different situations, from our point of view this is very well, since very early acquire real-world knowledge, knowing how to accept and deal with such situations when someone is in a "bubble" created by colleges somewhat backward, it creates an illusion of a world is not always true, so when they come to interact with the rest of society find it difficult to share with them besides, it completely changes your way of life.
As already mentioned the display of the school with respect to the work of the educational process is directly related to the Paideia, wanting to train people, through the transmission of values \u200b\u200band knowledge, as entities belonging to a community and that through conscious will can achieve their goals, may think (reason)
thus acquire liberty, and that the only way to really get is an education, because it provides tools to build our own decisions. Now, we can also say that it displays the opposite aspect of social reproduction in the school because it focuses the students have higher expectations for their environment, in section D mentioned as playing the familiar environment, but the school is making to overcome these expectations, which can be difficult without the combined school-parents.
A fundamental problem that we believe control is poor teaching, we witnessed the poor quality of some teachers, this goes unnoticed before the eyes of the authorities of the school, becoming a vicious circle, teachers do not try to one hundred percent students become accustomed to this, which leads to no claim, keeping a secret the poor quality of teachers, on the other side or even the system established by the Ministry of Education is effective for measuring the quality of these and decide whether or not to exercise. Teacher evaluation is aimed at measuring the level of teacher, but this is done through a recording to which teachers are prepared in advance, losing the accuracy of the system.


Péndola Professor Tatiana Ibáñez.
1 .- What is your goal as a teacher?
comprehensively to my students, and make their best for this will be reflected. (Make that gamble for them)
2 .- Do you think that the training will allow students have better opportunities?
I think so, because especially in this school is very familiar and yet always the student.
3 .- How is your relationship with your students?
As if I'm very picky but ye see I understand the respect they received.
4 .- What things prevent him from pursuing his goal as a teacher?
The unwillingness of my students, and also often do not have what it takes as a resource for a better class.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to perform their role as a teacher?
The school itself is formed by all of us but I think the physical space plays a lot against us.
6 .- How do you perceive the educational mission of the school?
I think if you care about them much, but that makes them feel safer.

Professor Veronica Silva Concha
1 .- What is your goal as a teacher? Join
my students with the best, so they feel prepared for college that they will be more difficult.
2 .- Do you think that the training will enable students to have better opportunities?
For my part if I think I do my best to understand and converse much with them to see what their goals are.
3 .- How is your relationship with your students?
I think some do not are very good must be because I am the math teacher, but if I get on very well with them but you then have to be hand doubt.
4 .- What things prevent him from pursuing his goal as a teacher?
The lack of resources and materials, I can not ask for great things but I try to make the class very enjoyable to make it productive.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to perform their role as a teacher?
I do not think I believe the direction is rather a bit left, you try to do my best, but what happens when they do, when they do their part and you want to do things, but it is impossible for the space or many Sometimes it's the lack of communication.
6 .- How do you perceive the educational mission of the school?
much as I see a pretty face, and I see that the school expects recognition without even lend support to the students.

Perception of students to get a clear vision of what students think and perceive about the school is making available for their education did a survey consisting of six questions. Francisca Gallegos

1 half A
1 .- What is your goal as a student?
Finish school and work.
2 .- Do you think the training you will have a better opportunity?
Yeah, give me trained.
3 .- How is your relationship with your teachers?
Mala, because if you never fished much.
4 .- What things keep you from pursuing your goal?
Failure to do my stuff.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to desempeñarte as a student?
If you still inspire me to continue.
6 .- How do you see the educational mission of the school?
Well because they want a good education and support us. Maria Zuniga

1 half A
1 .- What is your goal as a student?
is to be someone in life.
2 .- Do you think the training you will have a better opportunities?
3 .- How is your relationship with your teachers?
depends on the teacher as me.

4 .- What things keep you from pursuing your goal?
Being lazy to study and to be teachers who do not know.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to desempeñarte as a student?
6 .- How do you see the educational mission of the school?
Constanza Rivera Melo
1 Half A
1 .- What is your goal as a student?
perform well academically, and get a good PSU.
2 .- Do you think the training you will have a better opportunities?
As some teachers do not see much, as some are good and some not, but if I try I should be able to achieve.
3 .- How is your relationship with your teachers?
I think sometimes good.
4 .- What things keep you from pursuing your goal?
Poor management arrangement that has inspection whether or paraprofessionals.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to desempeñarte as a student?
I think over time if you have just recently became a school, so not much experience.
6 .- How do you see the educational mission of the school? Depends
often are very concerned to have a quality education. Miranda Bany

1 half A
1 .- What is your goal as a student?
be the best student.

2 .- Do you think the training you will have a better opportunity?
me the opportunities I create myself with what the school gives me.
3 .- How is your relationship with your teachers?
The teachers are good, yes.
4 .- What things keep you from pursuing your goal?
Sometimes I have no desire.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to desempeñarte as a student?
Yes, I think.
6 .- How do you see the educational mission of the school?
Yes, we try to put the best teachers. Clara Huerta

1 half A
1 .- What is your goal as a student? Skip
course with good grades.
2 .- Do you think the training you will have a better opportunity?
I think so.
3 .- How is your relationship with your teachers?
is good, they worry that they learn.
4 .- What things keep you from pursuing your goal?
The time I devote to other tasks that are not part of the school.
5 .- The school offers or provides necessary to desempeñarte as a student?
Is everything needed only to be seized. 6 .- How
perceive the school's educational mission?

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LGE Origin:
• The LGE arises from Presidential Advisory Council for Higher Education that reflects the demands emanating from the high school student movement of 2006. Trying to answer these demands, it raises a series of proposals to reform the LOCE articulated in a bill.
• To confer political legitimacy the adoption of this law in Parliament, is seeking an agreement between the Alliance and the Coalition Government, an agreement that gives rise to the new Education Act, currently under parliamentary discussion.
The LGE is a significant advance on the LOCE in five key areas:
• It is a law in a democracy that seeks to repeal the LOCE.
• Incorporates and emphasizes the principles of quality and educational equity.
• Responsible for safeguarding the quality of education through the creation of Quality Agency.
• is responsible for the control and regulation use of fiscal resources through the creation of the Superintendency of Education.
• Reinforce the concept of educational community with rights and obligations to its members: Student Centers, Centers for Parents and Guardians, Boards of Teachers and School Boards.
• The LGE set more demanding requirements for admission as the current holder to the education system and stay in it.
• Holders may only be legal, own unique twist, and recipients of state resources should be publicly accountable for them.

Quality Agency:
• Quality Agency is responsible for safeguarding and ensuring compliance with quality standards of education set by the Ministry of Education. This should set standards of academic quality common to all educational establishments, which have to be sanctioned by the new National Council of Education.
• The definition of these standards will allow families to demand equal quality conditions for all facilities (teaching quality, resources and educational infrastructure, curriculum implementation, etc.). This definition of standards will similarly link school subsidy of quality objectives.
• You will turn the responsibility for developing the system for measuring the quality of student learning and performance assessment of facilities.
• For the performance evaluation of facilities, this will be made from standard performance indicators to be proposed by the Ministry and approved by the National Council of Education.
• This evaluation aims at strengthening institutional capacities and self-evaluation of institutions and facilitate the development of improvement plans.

Superintendent of Education:
• Superintendent of Education's mission is to regulate and control the use of fiscal resources. Its function is to control and audit of accountability of institutions and their supporters.
• In particular, the ultimate goal is to protect the resources the state provides are used for the benefit of quality education and not diverted for other purposes. Faced with the failure to do the Superintendent shall establish specific penalties.
Selection and Student Rights:
• The Reporter states that the selection process may not be subsidized schools selecting students for academic achievement or socio-economic backgrounds through 6 th grade.
Basic Rights of Students:
• Families can learn about the project's educational establishment.
• Maintain standard of pregnancy and maternity protection.
• rules are incorporated to strengthen the protection of students in relation to the registration fee and penalties for non-payment of commitments of the parents.
• expulsions are prohibited performance between pre-school kindergarten and sixth grade.
• It establishes the right of students to repeat a course in elementary school and one middle school in the same establishment.
School Curriculum Level Changes:
• Change the current curricular structure of 8 years of basic education and 4 years of secondary education by a 2-cycle of six years each.
• In turn, secondary education is broken down into 2 cycles, one 4 years of general education and a 2 year old differentiated training.
• This change implies that 7 th and 8 th year becomes basic secondary education, must have high school teachers who are specialists in one subject and better prepared to teach students that age.
• The law further provides that the State should develop curricular bases for the 3 levels of the system: nursery, primary and secondary.
• Create a bank of complementary plans and facilities that allow more innovation and access curricular programs establishments that have demonstrated high performance.
Special Educational Arrangements
• It explains the concept of modality LGE recognized educational and special educational arrangements absent in the LOCE: intercultural education aimed at indigenous peoples, adult education and various forms of special education, particularly to children with special educational needs in regular school.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

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Are they really valid the results of teacher evaluation? Teacher Evaluation

teacher assessment, a highly contested issue in the educational sphere deserves me personally many questions, during my stay in secondary education, specifically in the last year, I witnessed many unfortunately a fact. My teacher Language and Communication always leave much to be desired professionally, was not inculcated the responsibility not to encourage students and, worst of all was that students underestimated, ie not tried hard not conform with the educational program because believed that students could accomplish this, in short, never felt it was really a contribution to my education and I was preparing this asignaatura externally, in short, the year 2007 corresponded to review the subject teacher, the teacher referred to chose our review course in the classroom, she prepared a class never before seen for review the day, worries, prepare background material and developing a theme. Personally I felt a bit embarrassed to see the brazenness with which that teacher cheating on the educational system, that is where I realized that maybe the little validity is often the teacher evaluation with people who break codes as basic honesty about the fact retain their jobs, maybe the teacher evaluation should be otherwise, but surprisingly, insatantanea because unfortunately you can not reap trust in all people.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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Why evaluate teaching?

One feature that aims to achieve the University of Chile, is to develop methodologies that lead to achieving quality. More than a concept it must be a primary feature of the work that the institution ...

The University of Chile is a university complex not only because of the multiplicity of functions that are developed inside, ie teaching, research and extension, but also in relation to its internal constitution in terms of disciplines that are grown, teaching cultures, practices and people. To account for this heterogeneity doing justice to it, ie, making diversity into a strength, but also tracing the route to local efforts to converge with global harmony from the perspective of the institution, and shaping its strategic objectives aimed at continuous improvement of teaching, not an easy task.

Both dimensions of this task, which takes place at the institutional level by projecting the fate of the Corporation, and is being performed at each of the academic units require a constant cohesion and coordination to produce a productive synergy of each effort. Have with information relevant to the success of this work is crucial at both levels of the organization, especially when at stake are ongoing efforts from the office of Academic Affairs in the upgrading of teaching, in general, and undergraduate teaching in particular.

is why it is necessary to a model for evaluating teachers and teaching, which is common throughout the University and at the same time respecting their internal diversity, by which have substantive information to improve continuous process of university education in each Faculty plasma democratic spirit of the university. This model, developed by the Development and Improvement Unit, Department of Undergraduate Teaching, is from the second half of 2003 in pilot implementation at the university to validate their instruments.


The participation of different actors interact in the teaching was established as one of the elements essential for the development of a proposal that could meet the needs of the University of Chile ...

Teaching, above all, is a complex process that requires a thoughtful approach. Four dimensions, at least, make up our view: Proposal

Teacher: realize the ideas and concepts that animate the work of teachers, their vision of students, evaluation, knowledge of their discipline. distinguish in it the following criteria:

selection and organization of knowledge: does the teacher selects and works disciplinary content to make them teachable.

evaluative principles: ideas that guide the teacher to evaluate.

educational Interaction: is the set of relationships that occur between teachers and students at both the human and disciplinary, involving knowledge construction processes and criteria consisting sujetos.Está:

Relation between theory and practice: Linking disciplinary knowledge and its various levels of relationship with the professional reality.

Access to knowledge: Ways in which the teacher promotes learning from memorization to creativity.

Interpersonal Relationship: Ways in which the teacher interacts with students or make them interact with them to promote learning.

Needs Satisfaction: refers to the demands and requirements to be satisfied by the teachers. These are raised, among others, by the institution that seeks to achieve a specific graduate profile, by society, which requires a particular value orientation of graduates, etc. In this dimension are distinguished as criteria:

Orientation exit profile: Meeting the institutional and social demands that require compliance with a specific graduate profile.

Training Value: Training student ratings in relation to the demands of society, stimulated from teaching.

Reflection on Practice: is central to professionalism, and refers to the manner in which it is carried out by the teacher on an ongoing basis, making decisions, when and redirecting cuestionae of his work, developing professional knowledge. The criteria that make up this dimension are:


Validity: The degree of importance that the teacher gives actors the training process and their views regarding their own teaching.

Reflection on action: forms that teacher reflection, decision making and implementation in the teaching process.

These dimensions are complex, and each involves the three processes that the teacher intentionally links: learning, knowledge and education. While much can be said about each, the student assessment and self-evaluation of teaching itself must be bounded.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What Age Can You Masterbaute

SIMCE 2007

Minister Jimenez oversees field Analysis Results Day 2007

Santiago, June 16, 2008
· The Day will be held between 16 and 20 June across the country.
· "Teachers are not unemployed. The students stayed at home to allow their teachers, to work and reflect the results SIMCE all together. "
The Minister of Education Monica Jimenez de la Jara together Ministerial Education Secretary Victor Schuffeneger, today visited the School Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna, of in Santiago, where he oversaw the field Day Results Analysis SIMCE 2007 , which in its 2008 version, will be held between 16 and 20 June and in the metropolitan area is officially set for today .
On the occasion, the Minister Jimenez met with the faculty of the educational establishment and answered the concerns that teachers had him. In this regard, they noted the importance authority to approve the LGE as a tool to benefit the quality and ensure greater control over the money allocated for grants school.
After the meeting with the teachers, the Minister stressed that the conference is being normally throughout the country. "I congratulate all the teachers who are in the Metropolitan Region and other regions, working today in the Day of Reflection Simce. I came to visit this school as an example of the process that hold about 8 thousand educational establishments, reflecting on the Simce, their results and how to improve this, "said authority.
also emphasized that "the teachers are on strike, the students stayed at home to allow their teachers as they have hacho here to work and reflect the results SIMCE all together. "
In this respect, he stated that he believes the call for a strike has been low, "because if there are 8 000 educational institutions where teachers are working as you have seen here, means that at least in these establishments where the students did not attend classes, was to allow teachers SIMCE reflection. "
Finally, Secretary of State indicated that invites teachers and students to perform together an agenda to improve the quality of education. "These strikes and demonstrations do not provide, because the quality of education is not improved by strikes and shots, is improved as these teachers who are here, thinking and taking decisions and actions to improve the results of SIMCE" Jimenez said.
since 2005 has taken place in all schools in the country Day SIMCE Results Analysis. This conference aims schools to deepen the analysis of lessons learned by their students as demonstrated SIMCE and establish commitments to further improve these achievements.
In this context, the Ministry of Education has ruled that students do not attend classes to ensure quality time and full commitment from management teams and teachers. Similarly, it has developed materials specifically designed to support the process of reflection on learning outcomes (see www.simce.cl ).

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Minister Jiménez leads first meeting with representatives of the agreement to strengthen public education.

Santiago, May 12, 2008

v The formation of this working group framed within the priorities of the administration The Minister of Education.
The Minister of Education, Mónica Jiménez de la Jara , today led the first meeting of working group to implement the agreement last November the President of the Republic, Michelle Bachelet , signed with the presidents of the four parties of the Concertación to strengthen the quality of public education.
today held the first meeting with the representatives of political parties in the coalition government and falls within the priorities of the administration of the Minister Jiménez.
view of Senator Roberto Muñoz Barra, this working group will "process all the information we have about it, and accordingly we fit together to present our proposals to strengthen public education our country. "
For his part, Deputy Manuel Monsalve noted that "we must create an agenda for strengthening public education to address the institutional, model funding and teaching. This is one of the central themes of our vision as a society: strengthening public education, "he said.
The working group of representatives of political parties in the coalition it:
CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY: Senator Mariano Ruiz-Esquide, deputy Gabriel Silber and Mario Venegas Mayor Claudio Arriagada.
RADICAL PARTY: Senator Nelson Ávila, Fernando Meza MP, Mayor Aldo Bernucci and Mario Astorga.
SOCIALIST PARTY: Senator Ricardo Nunez, MP Carlos Montes, Manuel Monsalve congressman who chairs the Education Committee of the House and the mayor Sadi Melo.
PARTY FOR DEMOCRACY: Senator Roberto Munoz Barra, deputy Tohá Carolina, Mayor Gonzalo Navarrete, and Juan Eduardo García-Huidobro.
This team is devoted to discuss, to work all the issues that were established in the protocol:
V Redefine the current institutional framework for municipal agency, opening new options for decentralization to give better response to the need for public education excellence, humanist, secular, free and socially inclusive.
v Define financing mechanisms to address problems of financial imbalances in public education and ensure good governance, stable and quality oriented.
v Start as soon as a program reinforcement and rescue of the identity of public education, aimed particularly at high schools across the country.
v Start institutional experience of public education, permitting small-scale, accumulate the experience necessary to undertake empirical realism and the challenge of transforming the whole of this mode educational administration. Specifically, it seeks to develop a Regional Corporation's experience in some of the extreme regions of the country.
v implement the necessary administrative and institutional adjustments to enable the Ministry of Education, the challenges that mean the operation of the grant preferential focusing on the immediate care of children from vulnerable families, the overall increase in grant and, the support plan for improving management of public education.
v institutional redesign the Education Ministry can carry out properly, in the medium term, the new regulatory framework and compatible with the new institutional framework public education.
v Implement measures to ensure that the modification of the educational cycles proposed in the reform of the curriculum have no negative impact on public education.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

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Chile is one of the three countries with the lowest illiteracy in Latin America

One study is one of the most advanced countries in illiteracy, with two million people who can not read.

Chile is among Latin American countries with the lowest percentage of illiteracy along with Argentina and Uruguay, according to a study released today by an NGO.

"In Chile there are two million people who can not read, preceded by Uruguay (4%) and Argentina (2.8%)," said David Forsberg , international director Alfalit, for adult literacy .

According to the study, Chile is one the most advanced countries in terms of literacy, compared with other countries however, still remains to be done, "said Forsberg.

indicated that worldwide there are 800 million illiterates, of which 34 million are in Latin America

Countries with higher levels of illiteracy are Haiti with 41.7 percent of the population, followed of Guatemala (30.9%) and Brazil (11.4%).

Alfalit, a Christian organization founded in 1962, has offices in the Caribbean, Latin America, Central America and some African countries.

The institution prepares volunteers to which they then teach illiterates to read, with a program that lasts about six months and provides flexibility.

For the non-governmental education can fight crime.

"We have seen that illiteracy causes crime, because in the prisons there are large numbers of illiterate people," said Forsberg.

Alfalit is supported by various institutions such as municipalities, prisons, churches and neighborhood associations to reach more people who need to learn to read and write.